Articles Tagged with separation agreement

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “How can an attorney help me with my Divorce or Separation in North Carolina?”

If you are contemplating a divorce in North Carolina, you may be considering your options to resolve your disputes with the spouse. Often, couples think that going to court is their only option to get a divorce in North Carolina. However, that is not true. There are two viable alternatives to divorce litigation — a separation agreement and consent order. But what is the difference between the two?

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “What does a “No-Fault’ divorce mean in NC?”

If your marriage lasted less than a year, you might be wondering how to get a divorce in North Carolina. If you want to divorce, it is important to consult with a North Carolina family lawyer and discuss the divorce process for short-term marriages.

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “When do you get alimony?”

If your marriage is headed for divorce, there is little you can do to avoid an alimony award. However, judges in North Carolina do not automatically order alimony in every divorce case.

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “Who pays for the children’s health insurance and co-pays?”

Adjusting to life with children after divorce can be difficult. Suddenly, after having spent the past years or months with a spouse sharing the responsibilities of parenthood, you are suddenly left caring for your children alone. One of the biggest changes after divorce is the family’s finances. Instead of the income of two parents supporting one household, there is now only one income. In North Carolina, child support payments are often ordered in divorce and child custody agreements to ensure that the children have the resources to be cared for, regardless of the marital status of the parents. While child support is an option, sometimes it is difficult to collect the child support owed. There are different ways that child support orders can be enforced.

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “Does adultery affect my divorce case?”

If you pay off your neutral custody arbitrator, allegedly manipulate police into investigating your ex-wife’s new beau, and try to get your ex-wife kicked out of the Catholic Church but still don’t get the custody arrangement you want…sue your ex for $10 million for manipulating you? This seems to be Bill O’Reilly’s train of thought as of late.

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