Articles Tagged with Mecklenburg

10Preparing for Your First Meeting with a Divorce Attorney

You have decided to end your marriage, and now you are ready to begin the divorce process. While you are not required to have an attorney, a knowledgeable divorce attorney will most certainly make the process easier and less stressful. You can help the procedure if you properly prepare in advance for the first meeting with your divorce attorney. Your lawyer will typically provide you with some information prior to your meeting.

List Assets and Debts

7-1How Do I Begin the Divorce Process?

It can be difficult to make the decision to end your marriage. Once you know that there is no hope for saving the union, you will need to start the divorce process. North Carolina allows for a no-fault divorce, so you can obtain a divorce because you and your spouse have irreconcilable differences. There are two types of divorce, including divorce from bed and board and absolute divorce. When you want to end the marriage completely, you will likely want to file for an absolute divorce. A knowledgeable North Carolina divorce attorney will help guide you through the process of obtaining an absolute divorce.

Required Separation

9-1What You Need to Know About Divorce in North Carolina

The divorce rates have been decreasing, but there is still a significant number of marriages that will end. Although divorce is not easy, it may be the best solution for some families. Divorce does not have to be overly stressful. If you can review the many issues that will be part of a divorce settlement, you can prepare for a more amicable resolution. Understanding divorce settlement issues will help you better work through these important issues. A knowledgeable North Carolina divorce attorney will help you navigate the divorce process.

Divorce From Bed and Board

8-2How Can I Enforce a Child Support Order?

When you went through a divorce, you were probably quite happy when the process was over and the judge provided an order. Now you and your family can get on with your lives and can begin a new chapter. Things are going along nicely until you stop getting child support payments, or maybe the payments are less than they are supposed to be. At first, your ex simply says he will catch up later, but soon you start to realize that the payments are falling far behind. What can you do to enforce a child support order? A knowledgeable family law attorney can help you through this difficult time.

Understanding Child Support

8-1What is Free-Range Parenting and How Can it Affect My Divorce?

People have different styles of parenting their children. When parents are married or living together as a family, they may choose to adopt a particular parenting style. Sometimes parents do not agree on the way they want to parent their children. This difference can be particularly challenging when parents are divorced or living apart. Free-range parenting is a term that has been recently popularized.

Free-Range Parenting

4-300x225Alimony FAQ

When you and your spouse divorce, one partner may need to pay money to the other for living costs and other expenses. The word alimony originates from the Latin word “alimonia” which means sustenance or nourishment. In North Carolina, alimony is also called spousal support. When couples divorce, alimony may or may not be appropriate. There are many questions people have regarding spousal support. An experienced North Carolina divorce attorney will help you through the process and answer your questions about alimony.

What are the Different Kinds of Alimony?

7-300x225Tips for Parenting Through the Holidays After Divorce

Parenting can be challenging, especially for those who are divorced. Whether you are going through a separation, are recently divorced, or have been apart for a while, it can be difficult to navigate the schedule with your children around the holidays. While you would like to have your children with you throughout this special time, they also need to spend time with their other parent. Grandparents also want to spend time with their grandchildren. Here are some tips to help you get through the holidays without unnecessary stress.

Plan Ahead

Children are born to two parents, and both parents have rights and responsibilities. Sometimes, paternity is not automatic. In order to ensure parental rights, paternity might need to be established through legal channels. While you may know that you are the biological parent of a child, the law must confirm this in order to be able to make decisions for your child, order child support, and determine custody and visitation. A skilled family law attorney will help you resolve paternity matters and protect your parental rights.

When parents are married when the child is born, the law presumes that the husband is the father in most cases. If the father’s name is on the birth certificate and the parents later marry, no further action is needed to establish paternity. Paternity is the way to make sure that the biological father is the legal father of a child. Although parents may understand who the father is, the law does not assume paternity when the parents are not married.

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “How should I prepare if I intend to file for divorce in the near future?”

Divorce rates have been on the decline for the last decade or more. For those that end in divorce, the median length of the first marriage is about 12 years. While the divorce rate on average is going down, the divorce rate among older individuals is actually rising. Baby boomers are continuing to divorce at a higher rate than those who are younger. Baby boomers are those people who were born between 1946 and 1964. If you are ending your marriage, you may want to seek guidance from a knowledgeable divorce attorney.

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “Should I delete old posts or censor new posts while going through a divorce?”

The divorce process can be an emotional and overwhelming experience. This is especially true for those who are going through a divorce for the first time. You may not know what to expect and might be angry and stressed out over the entire ordeal. It is helpful to know some of the most common divorce mistakes to avoid so you can have a more balanced and realistic approach to the process. An experienced divorce attorney will answer your questions and guide the procedure from start to finish.

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