Articles Tagged with marital property

6Tips for Communicating During Divorce

Navigating a divorce can be tricky and complicated. You and your spouse are going through some of the most emotional times of your lives, which can make communication difficult. It is likely that you have already had some communication challenges in your relationship. Even if you have a good relationship with your spouse, the stress of divorce can cause a breakdown in communication. It is helpful to learn some tips for communicating during a divorce to make the process easier and less stressful.

Learn to Listen

10-1Child Guardianship

There is nothing more important than ensuring the health, safety, and happiness of your children. You are there to provide for them and keep them from harm. But what happens when a parent is unable to care for their child? A legal guardian will need to be established in situations where the child’s parents are not able to continue caring for their child. An experienced attorney will help you with guardianship matters.

Why Might I Need a Guardian for My Child?

3Six Things to Do to Prepare for Divorce

The decision to divorce can be a difficult one. When you get married, you do not expect the union to end. Unfortunately, many marriages come to an end with divorce. The end of a marriage often comes slowly, and both parties may realize that they have grown apart and the marriage is no longer working. North Carolina allows for no-fault divorce, so neither party needs to place blame for the breakup. There are some things you can do to prepare for divorce.

Gather Financial Documents

Insta-Edu-Market-2Can a Child Choose Which Parent to Live With in a Divorce?

Divorcing while having children can be challenging and stressful, not just for the parents, but also for the kids. Generally, parents share legal custody of their children after divorce. Legal custody allows a parent to make important decisions on behalf of the child. When it comes to physical custody, where the child resides, one parent is typically the primary custodial parent, and the other parent has regular visitation. Parents and courts will decide where children will live after their parents’ divorce, but many wonder whether the child has the option to choose his or her preference.

Child Custody: The Best Interest of the Child

8-1What are the Most Common Divorce Mistakes?

Divorce is one of the most difficult and emotionally draining times in your life. When you say “I do,” you do not expect the marriage to end. Yet almost half of all first marriages end in divorce. The decision to divorce starts a process that can be stressful. It can be even harder if you make mistakes along the way. There are some common mistakes that you can avoid to make your divorce easier, faster, and less tense. An experienced divorce attorney will answer your questions and help you through the process.

Failure to Communicate

5-2What Factors Determine Child Support in North Carolina?

When parents’ divorce, they must still care for their children. Generally, parents share legal custody of their children, and they are both able to make important decisions on behalf of their children. Often, children reside with one parent while they have regularly scheduled visits with the other. When a child lives with one parent most of the time, that parent is said to have primary physical custody. The other parent is the non-custodial parent. Usually, the non-custodial parent pays child support for the care of their child.

What is Child Support?

2-5The Engagement is Off – Do I Need to Return the Engagement Ring?

The day you get engaged is only eclipsed by your wedding day. Your engagement is the beginning of your new life together and the start of planning for the big day. The engagement ring is one of the most well-known symbols of love in our society. The engagement ring is a way to show that you are betrothed and that you are in a committed relationship. Unfortunately, if you end your engagement, the wedding will not take place. If that happens, do you need to return the engagement ring?

Gift in Contemplation of Marriage

2-1How is Spousal Support Determined in North Carolina?

When a couple divorces, they must divide their marital property in half. Each party walks away with half of their assets. In some cases, one spouse needs money from the other for their ongoing living expenses. This money is called spousal support, maintenance, or alimony. Spousal support is not automatic. In order to obtain support, the judge must have evidence to prove that the spouse needs the money. It is helpful to understand how the courts determine spousal support in North Carolina.

Is Spousal Support Necessary?

5Asset and Property Division in North Carolina Divorce

When a couple divorces, they must review their assets, property, and debts and agree on how they will divide them. This can be a very complex undertaking, especially in marriages that lasted a long time or in a high-asset divorce. Couples need to determine all their assets and decide exactly how to distribute them in an equal and fair manner. A knowledgeable North Carolina divorce attorney will help you through the process.

Types of Property

10-1How Does Marital Misconduct Affect Divorce?

The decision to file for divorce is never easy. Sometimes, a marriage does not go as planned, and you and your spouse are no longer able to make your marriage work. You are not alone because according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the divorce rate is about 2.5 out of every 1,000 total population. There were more than 689,000 divorces in 2021. In North Carolina, you can obtain a no-fault divorce. This means that you do not need to prove grounds for divorce other than that your marriage is irretrievably broken. But what happens when one spouse has committed some form of marital misconduct?

What is Marital Misconduct?

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