Articles Tagged with LKN

Marriage-1024x1024Is Common Law Marriage Legal in North Carolina?

Marriage is less common than it used to be. Today, many more couples decide to live together without getting married. Some people live together as a trial before they wed, while others simply choose to cohabitate. Couples who live together generally do not have any of the benefits of marriage. However, in some states, if you live together as a couple long enough, you will automatically have a common law marriage. Not all states recognize common law marriage.

4-1024x1024Tips for Navigating Divorce

Divorce can be one of the most stressful times in your life. Unless you have been divorced before, you may not know what to expect from the process. You might be feeling scared and unsure of how to navigate the process in a way that will be best for you and your family. A knowledgeable divorce attorney will help guide you through the procedure. Here are some tips for getting through the end of your marriage.

11-1024x1024Can I Make Changes to a Divorce Decree in North Carolina?

Divorce happens in at least a third of marriages. When you go through the divorce process, you and your spouse will agree on the major issues, called settlement terms. Once the divorce is final, the judge issues a divorce decree. The order provides for how to divide marital property, matters regarding child custody and visitation, and alimony, among others. When a divorce is final, both parties must abide by the order. If you violate the order, you could suffer legal consequences. So, what happens if you feel you need to make changes to the divorce order?

9-1024x1024Can a Parent Move Out of State With Their Child After Divorce?

Divorcing with children brings many complications. One of the most important considerations is where your children will reside. While the law assumes both mothers and fathers are equally able to care for their children, in most instances, the children will reside primarily with one parent while the other parent will have regular visits. In today’s fluid society, many people move around the country, whether for work or personal reasons. What happens when one parent wants to move out of state with their children?

2-1024x1024Dividing Marital Debt in North Carolina

Going through a divorce can be one of the most challenging things you will ever do. Sometimes, even the most harmonious divorces can turn ugly. This is especially true when it comes to financial matters such as the distribution of assets and distribution of assets. Most couples have at least some debt. When a couple divorces, it can be difficult for them to handle debt alone. It is best to address marital debt concerns as soon as possible. An experienced divorce attorney will guide you through the process.

1-1024x1024Getting Separated in North Carolina

Nobody gets married with the intention of getting divorced. Sometimes, however, a marriage just does not work out, and the best thing for both parties is to separate. While divorce is a way to end a marriage, a couple may choose to separate instead. A separation may allow you to resolve settlement issues as you prepare to end your union. There are a few things to know about separation in North Carolina. A knowledgeable Charlotte divorce attorney will help you through the process.


4-1024x1024Grandparent Visitation in North Carolina

Grandparents play a special role in the lives of their grandchildren. Children have special memories of their grandparents that last a lifetime. The love and care of a grandparent cannot be replaced. Grandparents form unique bonds with their grandchildren that are essential to kids. While most grandparents are able to see their grandchildren on a regular basis, there are times when a grandparent may be denied visitation. Many people wonder whether grandparents have visitation rights in North Carolina.

Do Grandparents Have Rights?

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: ” Is there some property that the judge cannot divide?”

Many couples want to use a safety net to protect themselves in case their marriage ends. A prenup is a useful tool that can make uncoupling easier and less contentious in the event the marriage comes to an end. Once in place, the prenup is legally binding and both parties must adhere to the document if they divorce. Sometimes, however, a prenup is unfair and in some instances, it may be possible to contest the validity of the document.

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “How much does it cost to get divorced, and how does the billing process work?”

In contemporary American society, just about every adult resident can identify as a consumer.  We pay for food, shelter, entertainment, and even education. Because we care about where our money goes in most circumstances, we want to be well-educated about the costs involved in a decision before we make an investment. While purchasing goods such as a new car can be easy for consumers to envision, services such as those of a divorce attorney can be harder for prospective clients to plan for.

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “When do you get alimony?”

For many couples, getting married is the culmination of a loving relationship built on honesty and trust. It is not until the honeymoon period wears off that many couples realize the financial implications of being married. For some couples, this means the beginning or continuation of a wealth-building journey together. However, if the relationship sours and discussions start being had regarding divorce, many spouses wonder what their financial future will look like once the marriage is over.

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