Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: ” I’m not getting along with my husband. We’ve been married two weeks and it was a mistake. Can’t I just get an annulment?”
Articles Tagged with Lake Norman
How are Student Loans Treated in Divorce?
Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: ” Is there some property that the judge cannot divide?”
When a marriage is ending, a judge is tasked with separating the assets and belongings of a married couple. The first thought in most people’s minds is how the assets of the couple are going to be divided. What most people fail to consider are the debts that a couple might be carrying. The debts that a couple incur during marriage also need to be part of the distribution of property; it is not just assets that get divided in divorce.
False Allegations Made During Divorce: Here is What You Need to Know
Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “How should I prepare if I intend to file for divorce in the near future?”
Stressful situations can make people do unthinkable things, things that you would never expect an individual could be capable of based off of your experiences with them. During a contentious divorce, you might see a side of your former spouse come out that you never expected. There have been instances in which one spouse makes up stories about the other in an attempt to sway opinion. Lies are told in an attempt to receive more of the marital assets, receive the child custody agreement they want, or even to increase the amount of alimony received. You might think that false allegations will not affect you, but there are real consequences that come with certain allegations. If you are facing the challenge of a false allegation during divorce proceedings, here is what you need to know.
What are ‘Red Flag Laws?’ Does North Carolina Need Them?
Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: ” I’m not getting along with my husband. We’ve been married two weeks and it was a mistake. Can’t I just get an annulment?”
What Not to do at a Custody Hearing
Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “What can I do to gain custody of my child in North Carolina?”
Fighting for the custody of your children can be extremely difficult. Not only can court proceedings be difficult to understand, but the emotional toll of not knowing what the custody outcome will be can weigh on parents. An experienced family law attorney will help guide you through the process of obtaining custody in North Carolina. While an attorney can help you, there are still things that you can do to help. Specifically, there are actions that you can avoid during a custody hearing that could help your case.
The Role of Smartphones and Technology in Domestic Abuse
Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “How is social media evidence used in divorce proceedings?”
Do I Need My Spouse’s Consent for a Divorce?
Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “How can an attorney help me with my Divorce or Separation in North Carolina?”
We live in a society in which nearly 50% of all marriages end in divorce. Sometimes two people choose to end their marriage amicably after realizing that the marriage is no longer working. The couple then files for divorce and parts ways without a lot of drama. The divorce process turns much more contentious when one spouse is not cooperative or on board with the divorce proceedings. In North Carolina, you do not need the consent of your spouse to move forward with divorce proceedings. Only one person’s consent is required to file for divorce. While one person can move forward with a divorce, there are often other questions and concerns that can pop up during a divorce when only one spouse has consented.
Tips for Going to Family Court
Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: ” I’m considering separating from my spouse; what actions should I refrain from doing?”
The day you have anxiously anticipated and prepared for is here: It is finally your day in court to settle your divorce. You have likely been waiting many months for this day and your attorney has prepared for hours and hours for every contingency. It can be scary to finally set foot in a courtroom; you have endured hours of interviews, depositions, settlement negotiations, and other proceedings to prepare for a judge to make a determination. Below are tips to keep in mind before going into family court to ensure the best possible outcome.
What is Parental Kidnapping?
Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “Can I keep my Kids from seeing the other parent?”
Hearing the word kidnapping in relation to your child can be utterly terrifying. When most people hear the term kidnapping, they probably think of a stranger abducting a child. Most people do not think of a kidnapping happening by one of the child’s own parents. They might think that a parent cannot kidnap his or her own child. However, parental kidnapping happens more frequently than one might think. In fact, parental kidnappings are not uncommon. Studies estimate that over the course of a year, 200,000 children were kidnapped by their own family members. An average of 800,000 children go missing each year. This breaks down to an average of about 2,000 children a day going missing.
Domestic Violence vs. Civil Harassment: What is the Difference?
Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “Can I keep my Kids from seeing the other parent?”