Articles Tagged with finances

blog2222222222Do We Need to Have a Separation Agreement Before We Get Divorced in North Carolina?

Every state has a set of laws and rules that you must follow when you seek to end your marriage. North Carolina allows for a no-fault divorce, which means that neither party needs to blame the other for the end of their marriage. In order to seek an absolute divorce in North Carolina, there is a requirement for couples to live apart for a period of one year prior to divorce. This is meant to ensure that the couple is certain about their decision to end their union. A knowledgeable divorce attorney will assist you through the separation and divorce process.

Do We Need a Separation Agreement?

6-1How to Handle a High-Net-Worth Divorce in Charlotte

When you say, “I Do,” you don’t expect that your marriage will ever come to an end. Unfortunately, many couples find themselves in a situation where they want to get divorced. North Carolina is a state that requires couples to divide marital property in an equitable manner. If you have been married for some time or if you are wealthy, you likely have accumulated a large number of assets. This can make divorce more complicated. An experienced divorce attorney will assist you in seeking a fair divorce settlement.

What is a High-Net-Worth Divorce?

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “What happens when a person’s income is not guaranteed and fluctuates from year to year”.

Finances are among the issues that are most often areas of contention in divorce. Couples may agree on many things, but when it comes to money, the couple might disagree. North Carolina is a state that requires equitable distribution of assets. This simply means that the property, assets, and debts the couple have accumulated during marriage are to be divided between each party in a fair and equitable manner. Going through a divorce can be stressful and you will want to ensure that you get the assets that you deserve. An experienced North Carolina divorce attorney will assist you in obtaining a fair resolution.

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