Articles Tagged with Family Law

Charlotte Divorce Attorney Matthew R. Arnold of Arnold & Smith, PLLC answers the question ” I’m considering separating from my spouse; what actions should I refrain from doing?”

The billionaire founder of PayPal, SpaceX and Tesla will soon find himself among a small group of incredibly eligible bachelors. That’s because his current (and former) wife, Talulah Riley has recently filed for divorce. The filing took place last week in a Los Angeles Superior Court and, should it move forward, it will mark Musk and Riley’s second divorce.

Charlotte Divorce Attorney Matthew R. Arnold of Arnold & Smith, PLLC answers the question ” I’m not getting along with my husband. We’ve been married two weeks and it was a mistake. Can’t I just get an annulment?”

Societal tradition suggests spending three months’ salary on an engagement ring. WeddingWire just released its 2015 Newlywed Report indicating that the average cost of an engagement ring is $4,758—not cheap. In the event of a broken engagement, either party could probably think of plenty of other uses for the value of such an expensive asset. Further complicating matters can be if the ring is a family heirloom.

Charlotte Divorce Attorney Matthew R. Arnold of Arnold & Smith, PLLC answers the question ” Are overtime, bonuses, and commissions included in calculating child support?”

Most people have heard of divorces that turn nasty as couples fight over bank accounts, retirement funds, homes and even furniture. In a surprising turn of events, social media accounts now appear to be worth fighting over. This recent development supports the claim by some family law experts who say that divorce in the internet age will require rethinking the way property is divided, including drafting social media clauses to insert in settlement agreements.

Matthew R. Arnold of Arnold & Smith, PLLC answers the question “Do I need an attorney to get a Divorce in North Carolina?”

It’s not something that many people think about, but those who have dealt with it before understand just how complicated family law cases can be when one parent is incarcerated. Family law issues, including divorce and child custody issues, are already difficult, but adding to the mix the fact that one parent is behind bars can make things exponentially more complex.

Charlotte Divorce Attorney Matthew R. Arnold of Arnold & Smith, PLLC answers the question “Who pays for the children’s health insurance and co-pays?”

We live in an age where, for many, it has almost become second nature to compose a Facebook post, tweet, text message or email. It can also be tempting to see celebrities announcing details about their separations, divorces and infidelity accusations on social media platforms and want to follow suit. However, for family law attorneys, these digital snapshots into people’s lives can help make or break cases.

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold being interviewed on the Legal Forum. This was recorded in Charlotte, North Carolina. Topics discussed include: How to choose a divorce lawyer? How long does a divorce take? How much does a divorce cost? When can a person get an annulment?

A recent survey by a company called FindTheHome set out to rank cities according to divorce rates. Specifically, the survey sought to identify the one city in each state with the most divorces, dubbing the city that state’s “capital of divorce.” The ranking was just released and the results indicate that in North Carolina, the capital is located in Thomasville.

Matthew R. Arnold of Arnold & Smith, PLLC answers the question “What can I do to gain custody of my child in North Carolina?”

It’s a common refrain among those in unhappy marriages: staying together for the sake of the kids is the right thing to do. Though it’s noble that parents are willing to sacrifice for the sake of their children, it has become clear that the sacrifice is not only not necessary, but apparently not useful. A recent study by Swedish researchers indicates that children who are the products of divorced parents turn out just as well as those with married parents. In this case, the conventional wisdom that smiling through a bad marriage is good for the kids appears not to be true.

Charlotte Divorce Attorney Matthew R. Arnold of Arnold & Smith, PLLC answers the question “When do you get alimony?”

Family law experts have long said that not enough people consider the potential value of a prenuptial agreement. Too often what family law attorneys hear is that prenuptial agreements are only for rich people or those on second and third marriages that want to ensure children from their first marriage are being looked after. This couldn’t be further from the truth, as prenups can be useful in almost any circumstance. Unfortunately, this same prenuptial skepticism has carried over to many same-sex couples who, for the first time, are now able to marry legally nationwide. The reality is that though prenuptial agreements are beneficial to same-sex couples for all the same reasons as they are to opposite-sex couples, there are other reasons why same-sex couples may benefit even more. To find out more about the benefits of prenuptial agreements for same-sex couples, keep reading.

Matthew R. Arnold of Arnold & Smith, PLLC answers the question “How can an attorney help me with my Divorce or Separation in North Carolina?”

A recent survey conducted by a British family law organization, Resolution, shed light on the divorce process by revealing some interesting statistics. Importantly, and unusually, the survey did not focus on the adults, but instead surveyed children, asking them their thoughts on divorce and ideas about what parents can do to make the process easier on the kids. Specifically, the group focused on hundreds of young people between the ages of 14 and 22 whose parents had gone through a divorce. To find out more about what the survey revealed about children and divorce, keep reading.

Charlotte Divorce Attorney Matthew R. Arnold of Arnold & Smith, PLLC answers the question ” I’m not getting along with my husband. We’ve been married two weeks and it was a mistake. Can’t I just get an annulment?”

A father’s gesture at his daughter’s wedding is tugging at the heartstrings of millions worldwide, but has especially resonated with those affected by divorce.

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