Articles Tagged with Divorce Tips is Fresh Start Month

January has long been known as the month of fresh starts. Many people make New Year’s resolutions. These are promises to themselves to make things better in the coming year. Common resolutions include improvements in diet, fitness, and work. Those who are struggling with inadequate marriages may consider divorce. January is one of the most common months for people to separate and divorce. North Carolina has specific laws that you must follow in order to end your marriage. An experienced divorce attorney will help guide you through the process.

What is a No-Fault Divorce? Tips to Make Divorce Easier

The decision to divorce is not always an easy one. When a marriage is no longer happy or healthy, it may be time to end the union. Divorce can be stressful, and in some cases, it can be a lengthy process. There are some things you can do to help make uncoupling easier, faster, and less complicated so you can close that chapter of your life. An experienced family law attorney will help guide the process from start to finish.


Charlotte Divorce Attorney Matthew R. Arnold of Arnold & Smith, PLLC answers the question ” I’m considering separating from my spouse; what actions should I refrain from doing?”


Best-selling author Honoree Corder had what she described as “the great pleasure” of interviewing a slew of divorce attorneys for her new book, If Divorce is a Game, These are the Rules. On Friday, she posted an article on the Huffington Post titled “3 Things Your Divorce Lawyer Isn’t Telling You.”

Overwhelmed Charlotte Mecklenburg Divorce Lawyer North Carolina Child Custody AttorneyIf you, the client, will just focus on these three things, Ms. Corder writes, you and everyone involved in your divorce “will have a more positive and effortless divorce experience.” Failing to undertake these actions will, according to Ms. Corder, make life—and your divorce—tough.

Ms. Corder encourages people contemplating or going through a divorce to prioritize paying their divorce attorney the same way they prioritize paying other bills in their lives. Attorneys with whom Ms. Corder spoke said they feel like some clients—often high-maintenance clients who question and challenge nearly everything—fail to pay their legal bills in a timely manner because they compartmentalize their lives.

On the one hand, people live their “real lives” where they have to keep up with real-life bills or else suffer consequences such as having their power or water cut off or being removed from their homes. On the other hand, people live their “divorce life,” a life in which they act irrationally, “demand unreasonable outcomes,” fail to pay their bills and yet expect their attorneys to keep moving their case along.

As Ms. Corder puts it, nice clients who pay their bills have a much easier time in the divorce process.

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