Articles Tagged with divorce settlement
Avoid These Five Divorce Mistakes

Divorce is not only stressful, it can also be costly. When you are ending your marriage, you will want to avoid some mistakes that could end up being very costly. Here are five mistakes to avoid when getting a divorce.

Leaving in Haste is Fresh Start Month

January has long been known as the month of fresh starts. Many people make New Year’s resolutions. These are promises to themselves to make things better in the coming year. Common resolutions include improvements in diet, fitness, and work. Those who are struggling with inadequate marriages may consider divorce. January is one of the most common months for people to separate and divorce. North Carolina has specific laws that you must follow in order to end your marriage. An experienced divorce attorney will help guide you through the process.

What is a No-Fault Divorce?

Five Things to Know About Spousal Support in North Carolina

Divorce can be difficult and even the most agreeable couples often get into disagreements over the settlement. The main areas of settlement, such as the distribution of assets and child support, can be somewhat straightforward in some instances. What can be in dispute is the financial support of a spouse. Also called alimony, spousal support is sometimes a necessity when one partner is not able to make ends meet without it. A knowledgeable divorce attorney will guide you through the divorce process and assist you with spousal support matters.

Spousal Support is Not Automatic Tips to Make Divorce Easier

The decision to divorce is not always an easy one. When a marriage is no longer happy or healthy, it may be time to end the union. Divorce can be stressful, and in some cases, it can be a lengthy process. There are some things you can do to help make uncoupling easier, faster, and less complicated so you can close that chapter of your life. An experienced family law attorney will help guide the process from start to finish.


1-1024x1024Divorced Parent Guide to Preparing for the School Year

Summer is quickly coming to a close, and school will start soon. Whether you are separated, newly divorced, or have been divorced for some time, you and your former spouse will need to work together to prepare for the upcoming school year. It is essential to establish routines and make the school year as easy and stress-free for your child as possible.

Implement a New Routine

Marriage-1024x1024Is Common Law Marriage Legal in North Carolina?

Marriage is less common than it used to be. Today, many more couples decide to live together without getting married. Some people live together as a trial before they wed, while others simply choose to cohabitate. Couples who live together generally do not have any of the benefits of marriage. However, in some states, if you live together as a couple long enough, you will automatically have a common law marriage. Not all states recognize common law marriage.

4-1024x1024Tips for Navigating Divorce

Divorce can be one of the most stressful times in your life. Unless you have been divorced before, you may not know what to expect from the process. You might be feeling scared and unsure of how to navigate the process in a way that will be best for you and your family. A knowledgeable divorce attorney will help guide you through the procedure. Here are some tips for getting through the end of your marriage.

Blogs-1024x1024Which Spouse Should File for Divorce First?

When you decide to end your marriage, it is not always a choice that you and your partner make at the same time. If your marriage has been heading toward divorce, you are probably aware of the decline. But which person should file for divorce first, and are there any advantages or disadvantages to doing so? North Carolina is a “no-fault” divorce state, which means that regardless of who files first, the marriage is ending because it is irretrievably broken.

How the Divorce Process Works

11-1024x1024Can I Make Changes to a Divorce Decree in North Carolina?

Divorce happens in at least a third of marriages. When you go through the divorce process, you and your spouse will agree on the major issues, called settlement terms. Once the divorce is final, the judge issues a divorce decree. The order provides for how to divide marital property, matters regarding child custody and visitation, and alimony, among others. When a divorce is final, both parties must abide by the order. If you violate the order, you could suffer legal consequences. So, what happens if you feel you need to make changes to the divorce order?

9-1024x1024Can a Parent Move Out of State With Their Child After Divorce?

Divorcing with children brings many complications. One of the most important considerations is where your children will reside. While the law assumes both mothers and fathers are equally able to care for their children, in most instances, the children will reside primarily with one parent while the other parent will have regular visits. In today’s fluid society, many people move around the country, whether for work or personal reasons. What happens when one parent wants to move out of state with their children?

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