Articles Tagged with divorce property settlement and Property Division in North Carolina Divorce

Going through a divorce is not always easy. It can be one of the most stressful times in your life. As you go through the divorce process, you and your spouse will need to discuss how to divide your property. Finances are often the most divisive part of a divorce. Even amicable splits can turn acrimonious when it comes to asset and property division. A knowledgeable divorce attorney will guide you through the divorce process and help make things easier and less stressful.

Types of Property Property in Divorce in North Carolina

Going through a divorce can be a daunting experience, both emotionally and financially. One of the most difficult parts of the process can be dividing your assets. In North Carolina, assets are to be distributed in an equal manner between spouses. While that may sound like an easy thing to do, in practice, dividing property can be quite difficult. One of the first things you will need to do is determine which assets are marital and which are considered separate, or nonmarital.

How Assets are Distributed in a Divorce

Divorce in Same-Sex Marriages

Same-sex marriage has been legally recognized in North Carolina since 2014. Since then, same-sex couples have been able to get married just as other couples can. As of 2021, there are 33,543 same-sex marriages in North Carolina. As with any marriage, same-sex marriages can sometimes end in divorce. In North Carolina, spouses are to divide property and assets in an equitable manner. There may be some specific issues that arise in divorce between same-sex couples.

Equitable Division of Property

5-1-1024x1024Overnight Guests for Parents After Divorce

Child custody and visitation matters are of top priority for parents when they divorce. There are many issues that are of concern. After divorce, parents must abide by the legal court order put in place. In many cases, one parent has primary physical custody while the other parent has regular visitation. Parents often wonder whether they are allowed to have overnight, romantic guests when their child is in their care. The answer may depend on the specific details included in the court order.

Is There a Restriction for Overnight Guests?

14-1024x1024Divorce Settlements in North Carolina

Divorce is known as absolute divorce in North Carolina. Couples who wish to end their marriages must live apart for a period of at least one year prior to the divorce. While couples need to iron out quite a few details, some of the most contentious issues revolve around the distribution of property. North Carolina provides for an equal distribution of marital property, which means that both parties should end up with an equitable portion of their wealth and assets.

Distribution of Finances

Charlotte Divorce Attorney Matthew R. Arnold of Arnold & Smith, PLLC answers the question ” Are overtime, bonuses, and commissions included in calculating child support?”

Contested divorces, in and of themselves, can be taxing on the hearts of spouses, but nothing seems to tax the minds of parties to a divorce action more than analyzing the potential tax implications of a divorce property settlement.

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