In this issue we take a look at recent divorce court rulings from around the country and let you be the divorce judge! Also, we note several alimony and spousal support rulings from around the country where the court held that a wife was entitled to be compensated for her contributions to the husband’s hefty earning capacity later in life (one example is a wife of a dentist who worked to put him through dental school). We also consider cases (including one which we recently discussed on Charlotte Divorce Lawyer Blog from North Carolina) involving same sex couples and child custody.

Click here to view and print our Charlotte Divorce Attorney Blog Family Law Newsletter – Spring 2011:


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The last reason cited by the article by on why men cheat is to pursue the one that got away. The example from the article is about a guy who cheated on his girlfriend of six months because a girl he had the hots for came on to him. This other girl had been with someone else for a long time, so she was off limits. But, when she came available and hit on him, it was more than he could resist.

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Another one that will surely come as a shock: according to and, the seventh reason men cheat is to get a sorely needed shot of self esteem. The example cited in the article is about a man who was always shy and never felt comfortable approaching women. He was in a relationship with a woman who was just as shy. Their relationship was okay, but nothing great.

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According to and, the sixth reason why men cheat is because there is too much drama in the current relationship. The example cited involves a guy who used to fight all the time with his ex. He and his ex formerly lived together. There was constant tension in the relationship and it made him miserable. He met a woman who was just the opposite of his ex. She was easygoing, friendly and fun.

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Accorcding to and, the fifth reason that men cheat is because of emotional and/or lifestyle incompatibility. The example cited by the article involves a couple who met in a Weight Watchers meeting. The guy took the program very seriously and lost weight very quickly whereas the woman did not strictly follow the program and she didn’t lose weight. After the guy lost the weight, he was newly confident and had women approaching him who had never spoken to him before.

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This one will come as a complete shocker: according to this article by men cheat because they want to play the field! This seems to be a result of “the grass is always greener” kind of thinking which seems prevalent in our society. Maybe it is because of pop culter, television, or the egocentric, live for the moment type of mentality which seems so prevalent in our society.

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According to this article on by, another reason men cheat is because you are spending almost no time together as a couple. A common example of this sort of situation is where the significant other travels for a living. If the person is physically absent from the daily life of their significant other, then it can be difficult for the couple to remain emotionally engaged with one another.

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According to the article by on, men cheat because the chemistry just isn’t there. They cheat because the spark is gone in the relationship. According to the article, this can have much to do with a lack of physical attraction to the other person. For example, if the wife or girlfriend (hopefully only a girlfriend!) isn’t the guy’s type, it could lead to the guy losing interest and possibly cheating.

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According to an article on by, guys often cheat to try to get payback for their signficant other cheating. For example, a guy may find evidence that makes him think that his wife or girlfriend is cheating on him. This type of evidence might be a suspicious email or text message. Or, it could also be something like phone calls at odd hours.

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Over the coming weeks, Charlotte Divorce Lawyer Blog will explore eight reasons why guys cheat. This is based on an article by on Yahoo. Check back in to read the discussion of these reasons why guys cheat on their significant others:

Reason #1: For Payback
Reason #2: The Chemistry Just Isn’t There
Reason #3: Spending Almost No Time Together as a Couple

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