Drive Thru Lawyer.jpg Charlotte Divorce Lawyer Blog is exploring five Divorce Financial Tips which are outlined in an article on entitled Getting a Divorce? 5 Ways to Ensure It’s Not a Financial Disaster. This final tip has more to do with one’s state of mind than it does with acts to be taken or avoided. Here it is suggested that the spouse have a mindset of fairness. Granted, what is, and is not, fair is often in the eye of the beholder.

But, the article points out that a willingness to compromise and the ability to settle things privately and out of Court can help you to avoid thousands of dollars in legal fees. Even if you can find a “Drive Thru Lawyer,” legal fees are typically pretty expensive.

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house.jpg According to Getting a Divorce? 5 Ways to Ensure It’s Not a Financial Disaster, the fourth bit of advice is to sell the house or other valuable assets if it is financially prudent to do so. Often times we will see people who want to hold on to the former marital home for emotional reasons. If you cannot afford it, it is typically wise to put the emotional issues aside and make the reasoned decision. This is something that a family law attorney can help you decide.

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Credit Cards.jpg This is the third of five divorce financial tips discussed in the article Getting a Divorce? 5 Ways to Ensure It’s Not a Financial Disaster on You should pull your credit reports from all three credit reporting agencies before and during your separation and divorce.

There are several good reasons for doing so:

1) This can allow you to spot and correct errors early.

2) You will likely need to do an inventory of your assets and debts as part of your separation and divorce, this will give you one more resource for doing so.

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Bank.jpg This is the second of the five divorce financial tips from an article on entitled Getting a Divorce? 5 Ways to Ensure It’s Not a Financial Disaster. Here the article recommneds that you close all joint bank accounts before the divorce and begin opening separate accounts. Again, this may seem like common sense and it is generally good advice. But, there is often more to the discussion than simply closing bank accounts and denying the other spouse access to “your money.” In particular, things get complicated when the issues of alimony and child support are involved.

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Wallet.jpgAs discussed previously in Divorce Financial Tips on Charlotte Divorce Lawyer Blog, there are strategies which can help to avoid the financial disaster which is so common in divorce cases.

The first such strategy which is discussed in the article on is to make a realistic budget and figure out how your standard of living is going to change as a result of the separation and divorce. While it seems to be common sense that two people cannot live separately as economically as they can live together, North Carolina law says that both spouses have the right to continue to live at the same standard of living to which they became accustomed during the marriage. You may wonder: “how does that work?”

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stack-of-money.jpgCharlotte Divorce Lawyer Blog will review five tips from a recent article on entitled Getting a Divorce? 5 Ways to Ensure It’s Not a Financial Disaster. While mostly common sense, these tips can provide a good start for a discussion with your spouse and your lawyer about how to avoid the financial ruin which can result from a divorce.

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Madoff.jpgAccording to an article on (Citing Madoff fraud, lawyer wants divorce deal do-over), a prominant real estate lawyer in New York has sued his ex-wife to reopen their divorce settlement. As crazy as this may seem, there is actually a well established legal concept called “mutal mistake” which may allow for the contract to be set aside. The concept of “mutual mistake” allows for a contract to be set aside when there is a mutual mistake as to some important fact or provision. This means that both sides have to have the same misunderstanding.

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According to and, the seventh sign that your signficant other may cheat is if they routinely brag about their ability to attract others. Cheaters tend to be insecure and make up for it by bragging about their ability to attract others. This makes them feel better about themselves. A person like this is going to need a lot of coddling and ego-stroking, something most people aren’t real thrilled about doing.

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According to and, the sixth sign that your significant other may cheat is if they are the type to lie about little things. If you are dating someone who cannot tell the truth, even about little things, watch out. These types of character traits can run deep. If the person is willing to lie about little things, chances are good that they are willing to lie about important things too.

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According to and, the fifth sign that your significant other may cheat is if they are the type who is always with someone. If they are the type who is never without a mate, this should be a red flag. They typically go from one relationship to another rather than ever being alone for any appreciable period of time. These types do not bother with evaluating why the relationship did not work out. Rather, they focus on filling the void with another significant other as soon as possible. Filling a void is not likely to form the basis of a long lasting relationship.

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