In a recent amicus brief filed with the U.S. Supreme Court, the Obama administration attacked a legal argument that some see as key to the movement against gay marriage: that gay couples cannot accidentally become pregnant and thus do not require access to marriage. The argument is central to two major gay marriage cases before the nation’s highest court: Hollingsworth v. Perry about California’s gay marriage ban and U.S. v. Windsor which is challenging DOMA.
The attorney representing those supporting DOMA (the federal Defense of Marriage Act) wrote that opposite-sex couples have a unique tendency to produce unintended offspring. The attorney, Paul Clement, went on to say that because same-sex couples cannot naturally produce children, the government has a legitimate interest in solely recognizing those marriages between men and women because this can encourage them to form stable family units to raise children. Those opposed to gay marriage also argue that by allowing gay couples to marry it may discourage other straight couples from marrying, thus harming a legitimate government interest in encourage procreation.
The Obama administration said it was ridiculous to pretend that marriage is merely society’s way of dealing with unintended pregnancies. The brief also said that gay marriage would neither help nor hurt straight couples who might want to marry.