Articles Posted in Child Support

2-1-1024x1024Summer Co-Parenting Tips for Divorced Parents

Summer is a fun time for kids, but it can be stressful for parents. The daily routine changes and that can leave families feeling off-kilter. You want to make sure that your kids have a great summer, and at the same time, you still want to have control over the schedule. Here are some tips for co-parenting that can help you get through summer vacation.

Fam-1024x1024What is the Process to Modify a Child Support Order in North Carolina?

Both parents are required to provide for their children. Generally, when parents divorce, a child resides primarily with one parent and has regular visits with the other parent. The non-custodial parent typically pays child support, which is money provided for their portion of the care of the child. Once a parent is required by court order to pay child support, the only way to change it is through child support modification.

When Can a Parent Ask for Modification of Child Support?

3-1024x1024Child Abandonment in North Carolina

About 18.3 million children are living in families without their fathers, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. That equates to about one in four children in the United States. Most often, it is a father who abandons a child, but a child could also be abandoned by a mother. Abandonment can occur in cases where parents are married, separated, divorced, or unmarried.

What is Child Abandonment?

7Can Remarriage Impact an Existing Child Support Order?

One of the most important of all divorce settlement terms is the child support order. Generally, when a couple divorces, the children will reside primarily with one parent while the other parent has regular visitation. Child support is payment made by the non-custodial parent for the care of their child. Child support typically becomes part of a court order and is therefore required as per the order. Sometimes, a divorced parent remarries, and they may wonder whether their new marital status will have any impact on their existing child support order.

Child Support Guidelines

2What is Temporary Child Support?

If you and your spouse are divorcing and have children, you will want to make sure that you continue to properly care for them. Children can struggle through a divorce just like adults. One thing you want to do is ensure that they continue to have a stable and secure home. They need to have the basic things they need in life and maintain the type of life they are used to.

Child support is money that a parent pays for the needs of their children. Child support is typically part of a divorce order. However, when parents are separated prior to divorce, they need to determine how to best care for their kids. Parents need to agree on how to pay for their child’s needs, including health insurance and other expenses. A knowledgeable divorce attorney will help you tackle the issue of temporary child support, among others.

Insta-Edu-Market-2Can a Child Choose Which Parent to Live With in a Divorce?

Divorcing while having children can be challenging and stressful, not just for the parents, but also for the kids. Generally, parents share legal custody of their children after divorce. Legal custody allows a parent to make important decisions on behalf of the child. When it comes to physical custody, where the child resides, one parent is typically the primary custodial parent, and the other parent has regular visitation. Parents and courts will decide where children will live after their parents’ divorce, but many wonder whether the child has the option to choose his or her preference.

Child Custody: The Best Interest of the Child

5Resolving Summer Custody Issues

The summer is a time for kids to enjoy being away from the classroom to have fun, take vacations, and enjoy life. The visitation schedule during the school year is typically set to provide consistency. But what happens to visitation during the summer months? It is helpful to set up a detailed visitation or parenting plan as part of your divorce. A knowledgeable family law attorney will help you with child custody and visitation issues.

Summer Custody Concerns

5-2What Factors Determine Child Support in North Carolina?

When parents’ divorce, they must still care for their children. Generally, parents share legal custody of their children, and they are both able to make important decisions on behalf of their children. Often, children reside with one parent while they have regularly scheduled visits with the other. When a child lives with one parent most of the time, that parent is said to have primary physical custody. The other parent is the non-custodial parent. Usually, the non-custodial parent pays child support for the care of their child.

What is Child Support?

6How Do I Prepare for a Custody Case?

When parents divorce, they often disagree about some of the fundamental settlement terms. Disputes regarding the children are among the most common arguments between divorcing couples. In North Carolina, both parents often share legal custody of their children. This is called shared parenting or co-parenting. The children typically live primarily with one parent and have regular visits with the other parent. Sometimes, parents cannot agree on child custody. When that happens, it can make the divorce process more difficult and stressful.

Child Custody

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