Articles Posted in Divorce

Attorney Matthew R. Arnold answering the question: “What does uncontested divorce mean?”

In a bizarre case that highlights just how strange some celebrity splits can be, Black Keys guitarist Dan Auerbach and his wife have finalized their divorce. TMZ recently confirmed that the final settlement papers have been filled in Tennessee, bringing to an end a divorce that began in February of this year.

Hair Clippers Charlotte Divorce Family Law Child Support Custody Attorney Lawyer.jpgLike most divorce cases, Auerbach’s divorce from his wife, Stephanie Gonis, involved a financial settlement, a division of their marital assets and a child custody agreement. The two had been married for four years and had one child together, a four-year-old girl named Sadie.

According to family court documents, Gonis will walk away from the marriage with a lump sum settlement of $5 million as well as a 2012 Toyota Highlander and one of the family’s two homes. Though the amounts are certainly large, the division of assets, including vehicles and homes, is pretty standard and similar to the process faced by ordinary couples across North Carolina who must divide the assets that were accumulated over the course of their marriage.

Where the Auerbach divorce diverges from the mainstream is in one of the odd personal items that Gonis will receive in the divorce settlement. Appearing in the divorce agreement is a notation for “Bob Dylan Hair.” Apparently the two had purchased an unknown quantity of the famous rocker’s locks and Gonis felt like the hair should be hers.

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Attorney Matthew R. Arnold answering the question: “How can an attorney help me with my Divorce or Separation in North Carolina?”

We’ve discussed what’s known as the “gray divorce” trend several times before. Increasingly large numbers of people over the age of 50 have decided to file for divorce, many times more than in previous decades. While this can be a good thing for many couples, those facing divorce late in life face special challenges that young couples do not. Issues like retirement and building back up a comfortable nest egg can be more difficult for these older divorcees than for couples who split while in their 20s.

Checking Watch Charlotte North Carolina Divorce Family Law Attorney Lawyer.jpgTo help ease what can be a difficult transition for the over-50 individuals facing a divorce, the following are some tips compiled by a writer at Forbes for how to best minimize the financial damage divorce can do to your retirement.

First things first, the author says is to avoid the knee jerk reaction of most people to fight to keep the house. Most people wrongly assume that in a divorce it is better to end up with the home, something that is not necessarily true. Why? Well compared to retirement accounts, homes are far more likely to incur additional and ongoing expenses. Also, the future value of the home is questionable, especially given the recent crash in home values. Also, homes are not liquid assets meaning that people will have a more difficult time extracting value from the home to finance retirement.

Second, those facing divorce should be sure to understand the tax implications of a split on their retirement funds. Any withdrawal of funds from pre-tax accounts like 401(k)s or IRAs will trigger tax penalties. However, withdrawals from after-tax accounts like Roth IRAs are not taxed when the money is taken out during retirement. This means that if a divorcing couple has one 401(k) with a $500,000 balance and a Roth IRA with $500,000, the two are not equal due to the ways that each will be taxed, with the Roth IRA actually being more valuable.

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Attorney Matthew R. Arnold answering the question: “Does adultery affect who gets custody?”

It appears Simon Cowell’s messy relationship with his good friend’s wife can now move forward publicly as Lauren Silverman and her former husband announced that their divorce settlement has been finalized. The split between Lauren and Andrew Silverman, wealthy New York socialites, worked out as many expected (and as we mentioned previously), wrapping up quite quickly.

Stack of money Charlotte North Carolina Divorce Family Law Alimony Child Custody Child Support Attorney Lawyer.jpgAndrew named Cowell in his original divorce petition, claiming that his former friend had engaged in an extramarital affair with Lauren that resulted in her becoming pregnant. Rather than file a no-fault divorce, Andrew claimed that his wife’s infidelity was to blame for the dissolution of the marriage, an unusually public rebuke of his wife and former friend. Experts familiar with the case said that the aggressive stance was taken to try and force his wife to agree to a settlement quickly, something which appears to have worked.

The two, who were married for 10 years, have apparently reached an agreement concerning finances as well as custody of their son. In addition to agreeing to share custody of their son, Lauren supposedly walked away with a less than $2 million in a lump sum settlement. While this is a sizable chunk of change, it’s less than half the amount that many expected Lauren to receive when the divorce proceedings began. Most people estimated that Lauren would walk away with more than $4 million given her ex-husband’s wealth.

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Attorney Matthew R. Arnold answering the question: “What happens when a person’s income is not guaranteed and fluctuates from year to year?”

A recent divorce case in Texas has highlighted a little-known aspect of immigration law that might impact the divorces of recently immigrated individuals across the country in ways they never imagined.

Statue of Liberty Charlotte North Carolina Family Law Divorce Alimony Child Custody Child Support Attorney Lawyer.jpgThe case, discussed in a Fox News article, concerns Steve Summers, an American citizen, who brought his Mexican-born bride to the U.S. on a fiancé visa. Summers decided to do what millions of other Americans do in similar situations and signed an affidavit that said he would support his wife so that she would not become a “public charge.” Public charge affidavits refer to someone who relies on government assistance to pay for food and meet their basic needs.

Everything was fine while the couple was married, but eventually trouble in the marriage led to divorce. Now Summers says the affidavit he signed is being used against him by his ex-wife who is pushing for alimony. His ex, Evangelina Zapata, is now suing Summers in federal court claiming that he broke his contract to support her at least 125 percent of the federal poverty level.

The case highlights the I-864 affidavit, a common part of immigration procedure that is rarely ever brought up in divorce cases. Experts on immigration law say that many people sign the affidavits without a second thought, usually because they contracts are rarely if ever enforced. However, this rarity does not mean they affidavits are not serious and the fact remains that they contain strict obligations for American citizens who sign them.

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Attorney Matthew R. Arnold answering the question: “When do you get alimony?”

Things appear to be heating up in the Rupert and Wendi Murdoch divorce case. Mr. Murdoch surprised his wife of 14 years with divorce papers only a month ago and already Mrs. Murdoch appears to be changing her tactics in the split.

Gavel Charlotte North Carolina Divorce Family Law Attorney Lawyer Child Support Alimony.jpgMurdoch initially hired a New York attorney, Pamela Sloan, to represent her in the divorce. Ms. Sloan had worked with Mrs. Murdoch several times in the past; including the first time Mrs. Murdoch signed a prenuptial agreement and again when a second and third postnuptial document was created after the births of their children. Friends close to Mrs. Murdoch say they believe Sloan was too close to Rupert and that Wendi wanted a fresh set of eyes on the case.

Mrs. Murdoch has now hired William Zabel, a well-known lawyer to the stars in Manhattan who represented Jack Welch’s wife in her divorce and handles the estate planning affairs of billionaire George Soros. Experts believe choosing Zabel is a clear sign on Mrs. Murdoch’s part that she does not intend to slip away quietly and will instead fight to receive as large of a piece of Mr. Murdoch’s wealth as possible.

Though it’s true that Mrs. Murdoch signed several agreements with Rupert (one prenuptial agreement and two postnuptial agreements), experts say there are several areas that remain up for negotiation that Wendi intends to take full advantage of. One clear example of such an unsettled issue involves the children, two girls, 11 and 9 years old. In many cases, issues involving child custody arrangements and child support are left out of prenuptial agreements because courts do not view them as binding. As a result, issues involving children are often used in such high profile cases by the less-moneyed spouse as a tool for extracting money that they may have already signed away in previous agreements.

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Attorney Matthew R. Arnold answering the question: “Does adultery affect who gets custody?”

Simon Cowell has been in the news a lot the past few weeks, though most of the stories have not been about his show, “The X Factor.” Instead, the topic of conversation is Cowell’s affair with his married friend’s wife, Lauren Silverman. The episode is a nasty one and resulted in Lauren’s husband, Andrew Silverman, filing for divorce.

Simon Cowell Charlotte North Carolina Divorce Family Law Child Support Alimony Attorney Lawyer.jpgThough New York is a no-fault divorce state, meaning that no one party needs to be found to have caused the marital trouble to justify a divorce, Andrew has decided to file for divorce based on his wife’s extramarital affair. In fact, Andrew took the very unusual step of publicly naming Cowell in the divorce filings. Specifically, Cowell is listed as a co-respondent in the divorce papers.

Because Andrew filed for divorce based on his wife’s adultery, Cowell is now at risk of being hauled onto the witness stand to discuss the exact nature of his relationship with Lauren Silverman. This is something Cowell is likely eager to avoid given that news reports indicate Lauren is currently several months pregnant with Cowell’s child.

Family law experts in New York say that the decision to name Cowell directly in the divorce papers is a surprising one and likely meant to lead to a quick settlement. Many believe that Cowell and Lauren will be eager to avoid continued publicity of their affair and resulting pregnancy and that they will now be more likely to agree to a quick settlement.

North Carolina similarly allows for no-fault divorces, something which can make the divorce process easier and much less hostile. Rather than having to assign blame to one party for the dissolution of the marriage, couples can agree that no one was individually to blame for the marital trouble and the divorce can move along more peacefully. In North Carolina, couples only have to say that they have lived separate and apart for one year

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Attorney Matthew R. Arnold answering the question: “Can I get the judge to order my spouse to pay my attorney’s fees in a property division case?”

A recent divorce case in suburban Nashville, TN has left one woman feeling duped and is set to reopen an emotional split for still more fighting. The case involves an interior designer named Jamie Beckwith who is seeking to undo a divorce settlement that she signed with her former husband, a multimillionaire commodities trader who she claims lied to her to avoid giving her tens of millions of dollars.

Stack of Cash Charlotte North Carolina Divorce Family Law Attorney Lawyer Child Support Alimony.jpgThe lawsuit, which was just filed in a Williamson County court, claims that her husband, Larry Beckwith, chose his wife’s attorney and then paid the attorney a $50,000 bonus so that the divorce could be hurried along before he was set to sell his ethanol company for a whopping $100 million. The lawsuit claims fraud, breach of contract and various other illegal actions conspired to defraud Jamie out of her share in the massive sale of her former husband’s lucrative company.

At the time of the divorce Larry owned a majority share in a Nashville biofuel company that had been doing $3 billion a year in sales. Jamie claims to have not had nearly the financial sophistication of her financier husband and agreed to only $6.8 million for her share of the company, payments that were spread out over several years. This represented half of what Larry had claimed was his $15 million stake in the operation.

Larry had made clear that the divorce had to be finalized by the end of 2011, not sharing with Jamie that the reason was his share in the company was about to become much more valuable given the impending sale and a change to laws regarding ethanol exports. Following the change, Larry sold his 80 percent stake in the company for $100 million.

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Attorney Matthew R. Arnold answering the question: “Can any attorney help me with my family law needs in North Carolina?”

A recent article in USA Today discussed the difficulties that can arise when someone tries to divorce a bully. The author of the piece focused on scenarios where one spouse is high-powered and the other often feels powerless, often financially. The author said that to even what can sometimes be an unfair playing field it’s important that the spouse who feels victimized take steps to protect themselves.

Divorce Decree Charlotte North Carolina Family Law Attorney Divorce Child Custody Adoption Lawyer.jpgThe first thing mentioned by the author, Elizabeth MacBride, is that if the bullying ever becomes physical you must extricate yourself from the situation immediately. Even if you aren’t yet financially ready, you have to do what’s best to protect yourself and your children and get yourself out of a potentially dangerous situation.

If you are physically secure and the bullying is more financial or emotional, the following are some tips to getting away from a bullying or overly controlling spouse. One tip proposed by MacBride is to put aside money. Even if you do not have an income stream of your own you can start taking spending money and putting it aside in your own account. Having access to your own funds, enough to fight a spouse over what can sometimes be a lengthy divorce battle, is crucial to ensure you get a fair share.

Another bit of advice when splitting from a bully is to make sure to get your own copies of everything important. You want to be sure you have your own financial records to give your attorney and not have to trust that your spouse is turning over everything you need. You can begin gathering these documents before filing for divorce, calling your banks or other financial institutions and asking for recent statements.

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Attorney Matthew R. Arnold answering the question: “How long does getting a divorce take?”

Everyone knows that divorce is an emotionally grueling process. Most everyone experiences moments of deep sadness, frustration, anger and hurt given the demise of their marriage. Despite the bad times, ending an unhappy relationship can often be the best choice for couples who are simply not a good match. Once the short-term pain is done, plenty of people end up looking back on the decision as the right choice.

Smiley Face Charlotte North Carolina Divorce Family Law Alimony Child Custody Lawyer Attorney.jpgAccording to researchers in England, gender might play a role in how satisfied with the divorce a person is. Scientists say that women tend to be happier with their lives after divorce than men. The study, conducted by researchers at London’s Kingston University surveyed 100,000 divorced individuals over a period of 20 years checking in about their happiness and general satisfaction with life.

The findings, which were recently compiled into an article for the journal, Economica, showed that while men were somewhat happier, women were substantially more content with their post-divorce lives.

Study authors say they took into account that divorce can sometimes cause a negative financial impact on women. Given this financial pinch often felt by women, researchers say they expected to see more negative reactions from women but were surprised to find they still end up more content following a difficult split.

In another survey conducted by Professor Richard Lucas at Michigan State University, data shows that it can take a very long time for this satisfaction to occur. Lucas’ research shows that the level of satisfaction with life does not fully recover to pre-divorce levels for most people until six years after the divorce.

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Attorney Matthew R. Arnold answering the question: “What can I do to gain custody of my child in North Carolina?”

A recent article in Forbes Magazine discussed how common it is for couples to have disputes when dividing marital assets. Everyone understands that there might be disagreements over mutual funds or retirement accounts, maybe fights over the value of the house or who gets what portion of the checking account. However, the author of the Forbes article pointed out that it’s not at all uncommon for couples to get into a dispute over who gets frequent flyer miles.

Airplane Charlotte North Carolina Divorce Family Law Child Support Lawyer Attorney.jpgThough the idea might sound ridiculous, the author says the matter can be quite serious as the value of the “asset” can be substantial. Couples who have amassed tens or hundreds of thousands of miles or reward points over the course of their marriage realize that these things do have value and are often unwilling to simply hand them over to the other party. Serious reward users know that even points can lead to some fabulous first class trips and are worth a little bit of back and forth.

Though there may be value to the miles, the trick comes in dividing them, after all, it’s not a retirement account that can simply be split in two. The first step in dividing miles is to check terms and conditions of your reward programs. This can be incredibly tedious so brace yourself. One good example of the problems involved in dividing reward points is Marriott’s program which specifically says that points will not be transferred in the event of a divorce. Rather than try and force Marriott to divide your points, it’s best to just award them to one party and offset the award either with other points or by assigning value to them and paying your spouse.

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