
Articles Posted in same sex divorce


Divorce in Same-Sex Marriages

Divorce in Same-Sex Marriages Same-sex marriage has been legally recognized in North Carolina since 2014. Since then, same-sex couples have been able to get married just as other couples can. As of 2021, there are 33,543 same-sex marriages in North Carolina. As with any marriage, same-sex marriages can sometimes end…


Gay Couple Fights For Right To Divorce

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “What is an Absolute Divorce?”   For years, people fought for gay couples to have the right to marry. States took action independently, slowly but consistently expanding the number of places where same-sex couples had the same rights as their…


Tennessee Legislators Prepare For Legal Battle Over Same Sex Divorce

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “What can I do to gain custody of my child in North Carolina?”   Most people remember that the Supreme Court’s momentous decision last year in the Obergefell case made gay marriage legal across the country. Despite the important decision,…


After Obergefell Part II: Same-Sex Divorce and Child Custody

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “Who pays for the children’s health insurance and co-pays?”   Note: This is Part II in a series examining the state of legal rights for same-sex married couples, a year after the U.S. Supreme Court recognized their constitutional right to…


Maryland Case Tackles Same-Sex Visitiation

Charlotte Divorce Attorney Matthew R. Arnold of Arnold & Smith, PLLC answers the question “Does adultery affect who gets custody?”   This summer’s same-sex marriage ruling has resulted in rapid change across the country as courts adapt to the new legal landscape. The family law court system has borne the…


Commonwealth sees what may be its first same-sex divorce

Matthew R. Arnold of Arnold & Smith, PLLC answers the question “Can any attorney help me with my family law needs in North Carolina?”   Catherine Ann Boyd did not set out to make history when she married her partner in a civil ceremony in San Francisco in 2004. On…


Florida’s first same-sex Divorce best holiday gift ever, ex-spouse says

Matthew R. Arnold of Arnold & Smith, PLLC answers the question “How can an attorney help me with my Divorce or Separation in North Carolina?”   Heather Brassner’s marriage ended five years ago, but she was only able to get a Florida judge to sign off on her divorce this…


Think same-sex marriage is tough? Try same-sex divorce

Charlotte Divorce Attorney Matthew R. Arnold of Arnold & Smith, PLLC answers the question “What does a “No-Fault’ divorce mean in NC?”   Proponents of same-sex marriage have railed against the legal difficulties that confront same-sex partners interested in tying the proverbial knot. Now some same-sex couples are facing a…

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