What to Include in a Prenuptial Agreement Nobody likes to think that their marriage is going to end in divorce, especially before they even say their vows. However, the truth is that more than a third of all marriages will result in divorce, so it is best to address the…
Articles Posted in prenup
Which Spouse Should File for Divorce First?
Which Spouse Should File for Divorce First? When you decide to end your marriage, it is not always a choice that you and your partner make at the same time. If your marriage has been heading toward divorce, you are probably aware of the decline. But which person should file…
Types of Marital Contracts
Types of Marital Contracts Whether you are planning your marriage or have made the decision to separate and divorce, you need to put the terms into a formal agreement. Marital agreements are contracts between a married couple. In North Carolina, there are four main types of marital agreements or contracts.…
Child Abandonment in North Carolina
Child Abandonment in North Carolina About 18.3 million children are living in families without their fathers, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. That equates to about one in four children in the United States. Most often, it is a father who abandons a child, but a child could also be…
Why is January Known as National Divorce Month?
Why is January Known as National Divorce Month? A new year is here, and with it comes changes, resolutions, and, in some cases, divorce. Many people refer to January as an unofficial divorce month. Certainly, January seems to be a month when more couples make the decision to end their…
Who Keeps the Dog in a Divorce?
Who Keeps the Dog in a Divorce? Your pets are part of your family. Often, couples have pets before they have children, and sometimes they have pets instead of kids. Most households own some type of pet. In fact, pet ownership has increased significantly over the last 30 years. As…
How Do I Change My Name Back When I Get Divorced?
How Do I Change My Name Back When I Get Divorced? When you get married, it is customary to take your husband’s last name. In some cases, you may even choose to hyphenate your new and old names to form your new surname. If you later divorce, you may wish…
Military Divorce FAQ
Military Divorce FAQ The decision to end your marriage is a difficult one, and that holds true whether you are in the military or not. When one or both of you are serving in the military, it can bring up some questions. You may wonder about the steps to divorce…
What is Spousal Abandonment?
What is Spousal Abandonment? Every state in the country now has no-fault divorce in place. No-fault divorce means that neither party needs to blame the other for the end of their marriage. In North Carolina, spouses may decide to seek a no-fault divorce, but what happens when one spouse abandons…
What is a Bifurcated Divorce?
What is a Bifurcated Divorce? Bifurcation is the division of something into two parts. Most people have never heard of a bifurcated divorce until hearing it in relation to celebrity divorces in the news. One of the most famous bifurcated divorces was between Kim Kardashian and Kayne West. A bifurcated…