How Can I Enforce a Child Support Order? When you went through a divorce, you were probably quite happy when the process was over and the judge provided an order. Now you and your family can get on with your lives and can begin a new chapter. Things are going…
Articles Posted in Marvin
Alimony FAQ
Alimony FAQ When you and your spouse divorce, one partner may need to pay money to the other for living costs and other expenses. The word alimony originates from the Latin word “alimonia” which means sustenance or nourishment. In North Carolina, alimony is also called spousal support. When couples divorce,…
Tips for Parenting Through the Holidays After Divorce
Tips for Parenting Through the Holidays After Divorce Parenting can be challenging, especially for those who are divorced. Whether you are going through a separation, are recently divorced, or have been apart for a while, it can be difficult to navigate the schedule with your children around the holidays. While…
The Costs of Divorce: What North Carolina Residents Should Know
Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “How much does it cost to get divorced, and how does the billing process work?” In contemporary American society, just about every adult resident can identify as a consumer. We pay for food, shelter, entertainment, and even education. Because…