
Articles Posted in finances


Can I Request a Change to a Child Custody Order?

Can I Request a Change to a Child Custody Order? When parents’ divorce, they come to an agreement regarding the custody of the children they have together. The judge makes the custody agreement part of the court order, usually called a permanent custody order, and you and your former spouse…


Can You Renegotiate a Prenuptial Agreement?

Can You Renegotiate a Prenuptial Agreement? Not all marriages survive the test of time. While you never get married with the intent to divorce, it is best to prepare. A prenuptial agreement can protect you and your spouse and make life easier in case your union comes to an end.…


What Should I Do After I Was Served Divorce Papers?

What Should I Do After I Was Served Divorce Papers? When you get served with divorce papers, it can bring up many emotions. No matter how much you have prepared yourself for this moment, you may still feel upset, angry, or stressed out. You suddenly realize that your marriage is…


Can an Unmarried Father Get Visitation of His Child?

Can an Unmarried Father Get Visitation of His Child? The societal trends of families in the United States have changed quite a bit over the last 50 years. While families in the mid-1900s were composed mainly of married parents, that is not always the case today. The number of unmarried…


Do I Have to Share My Inheritance in a Divorce?

Do I Have to Share My Inheritance in a Divorce? When you divorce, you know that you will need to share your property and divide it between each of you. While you hoped your marriage would last forever, you are now facing the fact that your union is coming to…


Child Custody Agreements

Child Custody Agreements When couples divorce, they have many issues that they need to resolve. When the spouses have children, there are additional concerns that involve caring for their children following their breakup. Both parents have rights and responsibilities regarding their kids. Parents must come to an agreement about where…


Can I Get a Divorce if My Spouse Lives in a Different State?

Can I Get a Divorce if My Spouse Lives in a Different State? If you make the decision to end your marriage, there are a few procedural issues that you may need to resolve. One of the most important matters is to determine how to seek a divorce when your…


What are the Three Most Important Issues in a Divorce?

What are the Three Most Important Issues in a Divorce? Absolute divorce means the dissolution of your marriage. North Carolina allows no-fault divorce. This can make the process somewhat easier, however, you will still need to work to resolve the important settlement terms of your divorce. Couples must fulfill the…


Gray Divorce Means More Seniors are Living Alone

Gray Divorce Means More Seniors are Living Alone Some people think that divorce only happens to younger couples. Unfortunately, divorce is something that can occur to anyone at any stage of life. With more and more of the United States population in the over-65 category, it is not surprising that…


What is Temporary Child Support?

What is Temporary Child Support? If you and your spouse are divorcing and have children, you will want to make sure that you continue to properly care for them. Children can struggle through a divorce just like adults. One thing you want to do is ensure that they continue to…

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