
Articles Posted in Child Support


Getting Separated in North Carolina

Getting Separated in North Carolina Nobody gets married with the intention of getting divorced. Sometimes, however, a marriage just does not work out, and the best thing for both parties is to separate. While divorce is a way to end a marriage, a couple may choose to separate instead. A…


Grandparent Visitation in North Carolina

Grandparent Visitation in North Carolina Grandparents play a special role in the lives of their grandchildren. Children have special memories of their grandparents that last a lifetime. The love and care of a grandparent cannot be replaced. Grandparents form unique bonds with their grandchildren that are essential to kids. While…


Who Pays for College After Divorce?

Who Pays for College After Divorce? Divorce involves a lot of compromises, and you must make decisions about how you will divide up your assets and property. Even more important are decisions regarding your children. Typically in North Carolina, both parents are equally responsible for their children, and both are…


Summer Co-Parenting Tips for Divorced Parents

Summer Co-Parenting Tips for Divorced Parents Summer is a fun time for kids, but it can be stressful for parents. The daily routine changes and that can leave families feeling off-kilter. You want to make sure that your kids have a great summer, and at the same time, you still…


Overnight Guests for Parents After Divorce

Overnight Guests for Parents After Divorce Child custody and visitation matters are of top priority for parents when they divorce. There are many issues that are of concern. After divorce, parents must abide by the legal court order put in place. In many cases, one parent has primary physical custody…


Divorce Settlements in North Carolina

Divorce Settlements in North Carolina Divorce is known as absolute divorce in North Carolina. Couples who wish to end their marriages must live apart for a period of at least one year prior to the divorce. While couples need to iron out quite a few details, some of the most…


Parenting Styles and How They Affect Co-Parenting After Divorce

Parenting Styles and How They Affect Co-Parenting After Divorce Parenting after divorce can be challenging. Parents are often expected to co-parent even when they have an acrimonious relationship. Parents each have the same rights and responsibilities after they divorce. They must provide for their children’s needs and they each can…


What is Walkaway Wife Syndrome?

What is Walkaway Wife Syndrome? Most times, when a marriage begins to deteriorate, both people are aware of the situation and may take steps to save their union. Sometimes, however, this does not happen. In some cases, one party, often the wife, decides to leave the marriage without even discussing…


What is the Process to Modify a Child Support Order in North Carolina?

What is the Process to Modify a Child Support Order in North Carolina? Both parents are required to provide for their children. Generally, when parents divorce, a child resides primarily with one parent and has regular visits with the other parent. The non-custodial parent typically pays child support, which is…


What to Know About Divorce in North Carolina

What to Know About Divorce in North Carolina When you get married you never think you will get a divorce. Yet, sometimes divorce happens. If you and your spouse are no longer able to remain together, you will need to consider ending your union. There is some basic information that…

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