How Does Marital Misconduct Affect Divorce? The decision to file for divorce is never easy. Sometimes, a marriage does not go as planned, and you and your spouse are no longer able to make your marriage work. You are not alone because according to the Centers for Disease Control and…
Articles Posted in Charlotte
What Is Equitable Property Division in North Carolina Divorce?
What Is Equitable Property Division in North Carolina Divorce? When a couple marries, they do not expect that they will get divorced. Unfortunately, many marriages end in divorce. Couples must then divide their property and assets. North Carolina law requires that marital property is divided in an equitable manner in…
When Does Child Support End?
When Does Child Support End? Going through a divorce can be a difficult event for a family. Parents need to be particularly careful when there are children involved. Parents typically share parenting responsibilities, and the non-custodial parent usually pays child support. Child support is necessary to ensure the health and…
How Long Does a Contested Divorce Take?
How Long Does a Contested Divorce Take? Going through a divorce can be difficult, but it may be much more challenging when one party contests the divorce. When that happens, the divorce process becomes more lengthy, and it can extend how long it takes to complete the process. In North…
What Happens to the House in a Divorce?
What Happens to the House in a Divorce? Your home is one of your most important assets and likely the most significant. When you get married, you may dream of buying your home together. Your house holds many memories for you and your family. Your children may not know any…
What are a Father’s Rights in North Carolina?
What are a Father’s Rights in North Carolina? A child has two biological parents, and both often play important roles in their life. Although a mother gives birth, both the mother and father have rights and responsibilities. Generally, both parents are allowed to spend time with their children. One parent…
What are the Requirements for Divorce in North Carolina?
What are the Requirements for Divorce in North Carolina? Marriages do not always last forever. Although you and your spouse began your marriage with the intention of a lifelong union, people and circumstances change, and you may decide to end your marriage. There are many issues that you must settle…
What is Supervised Visitation?
What is Supervised Visitation? Parents typically have the right to spend time with their children, even after they get divorced. Both parents generally share legal custody and parenting responsibilities. Often, children reside primarily with one parent while the other parent has visitation. Children can have time with each parent. A…
Which Parent Claims a Child on Taxes After Divorce?
Which Parent Claims a Child on Taxes After Divorce? Many legal issues will inevitably arise when a couple divorces, especially when they have children. When tax time comes around, both parents may wonder whether they can rightfully claim their child as a dependent on their income tax return. The answer…
How Do I Divorce a Spouse Who Lives in Another State?
How Do I Divorce a Spouse Who Lives in Another State? The decision to divorce often comes after a long period of discord or discontent. In North Carolina, couples can file for a no-fault divorce based on irreconcilable differences. Couples are required to live apart for a period of at…