
Articles Posted in alienation of affection


What is Spousal Abandonment?

What is Spousal Abandonment? Every state in the country now has no-fault divorce in place. No-fault divorce means that neither party needs to blame the other for the end of their marriage. In North Carolina, spouses may decide to seek a no-fault divorce, but what happens when one spouse abandons…


Can I Date While Separated in North Carolina?

Can I Date While Separated in North Carolina? You and your spouse have decided to end your marriage. Now, you are in the middle of a divorce, and you are wondering whether you can start dating again. This is a common question, and the answer is not always clear. It…


Divorced Parents Guide to Co-Parenting Through the Holidays

Divorced Parents Guide to Co-Parenting Through the Holidays The holidays are times to celebrate with family, but if you are recently divorced or newly separated, this time of year can be extremely stressful. You are learning to navigate parenting from a new perspective, and at the same time, you are…


Can Remarriage Impact an Existing Child Support Order?

Can Remarriage Impact an Existing Child Support Order? One of the most important of all divorce settlement terms is the child support order. Generally, when a couple divorces, the children will reside primarily with one parent while the other parent has regular visitation. Child support is payment made by the…


Cohabitation in North Carolina: What You Need to Know

Cohabitation in North Carolina: What You Need to Know Many couples choose to live together before they get married. The number of people who cohabitate has been rising steadily over the last 30 years. Many couples try living together as a prerequisite to marriage. It is estimated that as many…


What is a Bifurcated Divorce?

What is a Bifurcated Divorce? Bifurcation is the division of something into two parts. Most people have never heard of a bifurcated divorce until hearing it in relation to celebrity divorces in the news. One of the most famous bifurcated divorces was between Kim Kardashian and Kayne West. A bifurcated…


Can I Request a Change to a Child Custody Order?

Can I Request a Change to a Child Custody Order? When parents’ divorce, they come to an agreement regarding the custody of the children they have together. The judge makes the custody agreement part of the court order, usually called a permanent custody order, and you and your former spouse…


Can You Renegotiate a Prenuptial Agreement?

Can You Renegotiate a Prenuptial Agreement? Not all marriages survive the test of time. While you never get married with the intent to divorce, it is best to prepare. A prenuptial agreement can protect you and your spouse and make life easier in case your union comes to an end.…


What Should I Do After I Was Served Divorce Papers?

What Should I Do After I Was Served Divorce Papers? When you get served with divorce papers, it can bring up many emotions. No matter how much you have prepared yourself for this moment, you may still feel upset, angry, or stressed out. You suddenly realize that your marriage is…


Can an Unmarried Father Get Visitation of His Child?

Can an Unmarried Father Get Visitation of His Child? The societal trends of families in the United States have changed quite a bit over the last 50 years. While families in the mid-1900s were composed mainly of married parents, that is not always the case today. The number of unmarried…

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