
Charlotte Divorce Lawyer Blog


Establishment of Child Custody or Modification of Child Custody?

The North Carolina Court of Appeals overturned a ruling which established child custody using the “best interests of the child” analysis when it should have applied the “substantial change in circumstances” analysis for a motion to modify child custody. In December 2006 the trial court entered a custody order which…


Lawyer’s Motion for Modification of Child Custody Denied

The North Carolina Court of Appeals recently decided a case relating to a motion to modify child custody custody in Cherry v. Thomas. The Mother’s child custody lawyer filed a motion to modify child custody. The trial court denied Mother’s motion to modify custody. The trial court held that there…


Grandparent Visitation and Custody in Charlotte, North Carolina

According to a Pew Research Center analysis of the most recent Census Bureau data, the number of children in the United States being raised by their grandparents rose sharply as the recession began. In all, approximately 7 million children live in households that include at least one grandparent. Of that…


Divorce Attorney Fees Paid by Divorce Insurance

Now you can buy divorce insurance to cover your divorce attorney fees. The average cost of an American divorce this year ranged from about $15,000 to $30,000. As a result, the North Carolina-based insurance company SafeGuard Guaranty Corporation is now selling a divorce insurance product called WedLock. A unit of…


Charlotte Divorce Attorney Asks: Who’s a Family?

The definition of a family in America is critical, especially in Charlotte, North Carolina – it can affect tax filings, adoption proceedings, employment benefits, inheritance rights, and many other legal matters. A majority of Americans now say that their definition of a “family” includes same-sex couples with children, as well…


North Carolina Supreme Court Considering Same-Sex Adoption

This Charlotte child custody lawyer observes that a current custody case being heard by the North Carolina Supreme Court could decide whether North Carolina state law allows a certain kind of adoption by same-sex couples in North Carolina. Senator Julia Boseman and her ex-partner, Melissa Jarrell, are litigating custody issues…


Breakups, Child Custody Battles and Divorce Caused by Debt?

As every good Charlotte divorce lawyer knows, preexisting individual debt can break up an engagement or lead to divorce. Even when individuals planning to marry disclose their debt to one another, the couple can face many future financial challenges. Today, even people without graduate degrees are finding themselves saddled with…


View and Print our Charlotte Divorce Attorney Blog Family Law Newsletter – Fall 2010

In this issue of our Charlotte Divorce Attorney Blog Family Law Newsletter, we take a look at the increasing popularity of Post-nuptial Agreements and the many topics which can be addressed by Post-nuptial Agreements. We also consider a couple issues relating to Father’s parental rights in child custody disputes. Finally,…

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