
Charlotte Divorce Lawyer Blog


North Carolina Child Support Guidelines Updated

The North Carolina Conference of Chief District Court Judges is required by North Carolina General Statutes 50-13.4 to review the North Carolina Child Support Guidelines to ensure that they provide for appropriate child support judgments. The child support guidelines were last reviewed in 2006 so they were again reviewed this…


Divorce Issues Emerge in Home Designing

Is it easier to remodel houses than people? Interior and architectural designers are finding that they have greater psychological issues to deal with than do most client-based professionals simply because they transform homes into personal living spaces for couples. Designers find that couples can disagree over the simplest things, such…


Cohabitation Survival Tip #8: Don’t become too comfortable with comfortable.

Couples who cohabitate will innately share more of their daily lives than couples who live apart. After seeing another person day in and day out and sharing in the less glamorous parts of that person’s life, couples who get too comfortable with each other can begin to take one another…


Cohabitation Survival Tip #3: Seriously consider making a cohabitation agreement.

Pre-arranged legal documents usually make things easier on both parties if or when a couple breaks up. These agreements can determine who gets the furniture, the home, the car, and any additional items belonging to both parties. Cohabitation agreements can also include provisions spelling out what happens if one partner…

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