
Charlotte Divorce Lawyer Blog


View and Print our Charlotte Divorce Lawyer Blog Family Law Newsletter – Spring 2011

In this issue we take a look at recent divorce court rulings from around the country and let you be the divorce judge! Also, we note several alimony and spousal support rulings from around the country where the court held that a wife was entitled to be compensated for her…


Men Cheat Because of Emotional and/or Lifestyle Incompatibility (Reason #5)

Accorcding to and, the fifth reason that men cheat is because of emotional and/or lifestyle incompatibility. The example cited by the article involves a couple who met in a Weight Watchers meeting. The guy took the program very seriously and lost weight very quickly whereas the woman did…


Men Cheat Because You are Spending Almost No Time Together (Reason #3)

According to this article on by, another reason men cheat is because you are spending almost no time together as a couple. A common example of this sort of situation is where the significant other travels for a living. If the person is physically absent from the daily…

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