One recent article on, discussed the issues women face even in the modern age. Though women’s place in the world has risen dramatically, there are still instances where problems persist. One example of a semantic issue that nonetheless speaks to a woman’s role in the world involves the attitudes…
Charlotte Divorce Lawyer Blog
Charlotte, North Carolina Divorcing Couples Should Beware of Snooping Spouses
As a recent article on points out, more and more divorces in the modern age involve electronic bad acts. As couples store and transmit increasing amounts of information electronically, through email, social media and text messaging, spouses are increasingly spying on each other’s communications, sometimes even illegally. Because of…
Charlotte Divorcing Couples Should Watch What They Text
According to an article in the Chicago Tribune, North Carolina couples who are heading for divorce should be careful about texting because their heated words could be used against them later in court. According to statistics from the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML), many top divorce attorneys say they’ve…
Benefits of Pre-Nupts in North Carolina
Asking for a prenuptial agreement may not be the most romantic thing, especially with Valentine’s Day just behind us. That might not be true according to some experts who suggest that sitting down with a soon-to-be spouse and making arrangements for the worst might do a lot to alleviate worries…
Claiming Dependent Children on Taxes in North Carolina
Many people going through a divorce have questions come tax time as the financial changes their family has gone through become clear. When and how a person can claim a child following a divorce can depend on a number of factors. The first step before you claim a child as…
Discrimination and North Carolina Child Custody Cases
According to one recent article, a new bill before the Utah legislature, HB88, would add a statement to Utah’s divorce statute saying that courts, when making a child custody determination, may not discriminate against a parent based on age, race, color, national origin, religious preference or gender. The bill’s sponsor,…
Women in North Carolina often end up without Health Insurance after Divorce
New research from the University of Michigan shows that women are more likely than men to wind up without health insurance following a divorce. The rates of women without insurance remain high even several years after a divorce becomes final. The new study shows that many women lose their health…
Study says Divorce at a Young Age Hurts Worst
A new Michigan State University study finds divorce at a younger age hurts people’s health more than divorce later in life. Study author and sociology professor Dr. Hui Liu said the findings, published in the journal Social Science & Medicine, suggest older people have more coping skills to deal with…
Understanding the Importance of a Prenuptial Agreement in North Carolina
Though most people would agree that marriage is a big step, representing a major life change, very few people understand the magnitude of the decision both legally and financially. People forget that marriage is, after all, a contract entered into by two people and it entails many of the same…
Paternity and Child Support in North Carolina: The Impact of Senate Bill 203
In 2011 the North Carolina General Assembly passed a bill addressing how to go about setting aside an order of paternity and to allow relief from a child support order when the man responsible for payment is not the child’s father. The bill has a potentially important impact on child…