
Charlotte Divorce Lawyer Blog


Pretext to a North Carolina Divorce or Just a Fight?

According to a recent Wall Street Journal article, as couples deal with the difficulties inherent in every relationship it is sometimes hard to know when a fight is just a fight or the beginning of the end. According to research from the Gottman Institute, couples typically wait an average six…


Cohabitating North Carolina Couples Not More at Risk for Divorce

According to a recent article in the Christian Science Monitor, nearly half of all first marriages break up within 20 years. Some people attempt to beat the odds by testing out their relationship by living together prior to marriage. But does that actual help things or only speed along the…


Same-Sex Couples and Child Custody Disputes

According to a recent article on, a brewing battle between a Florida lesbian couple could spark an important debate over the definition of motherhood. The women are both in their 30s and both members of law enforcement. One of the women donated an egg that was fertilized and implanted…


Change to Federal Benefits May Leave Those Behind on Child Support with No Money at All

According to a recent article in the Charlotte Observer, an important change could soon have an unexpected impact relating to child support debts. The change has come about as an attempt to reduce money spent by the federal government in mailing out paper checks. The Treasury Department has decided to…


Name Change Following Marriage Still a Sensitive Subject

One recent article on, discussed the issues women face even in the modern age. Though women’s place in the world has risen dramatically, there are still instances where problems persist. One example of a semantic issue that nonetheless speaks to a woman’s role in the world involves the attitudes…


Charlotte, North Carolina Divorcing Couples Should Beware of Snooping Spouses

As a recent article on points out, more and more divorces in the modern age involve electronic bad acts. As couples store and transmit increasing amounts of information electronically, through email, social media and text messaging, spouses are increasingly spying on each other’s communications, sometimes even illegally. Because of…

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