A recent article in the Huffington Post discusses clues that should set off alarm bells about whether one spouse is hiding money in preparation for a divorce. People have special motivation to hide income and assets during a divorce in an attempt to avoid paying higher child support or alimony.…
Charlotte Divorce Lawyer Blog
North Carolina Divorce Advice – How to Financially Prepare (According to Fox Business)
Divorce is a difficult process, emotionally and financially. Before you blindly step into the mess, there are steps you can take to empower yourself by getting your finances in order. Taking the following steps can help make things run more smoothly and even lower your eventual legal bills by being…
North Carolina Constitutional Amendment to Ban Gay Marriage
A recent CBS News article discussed the decision by North Carolina voters to change the North Carolina state constitution this week to ban gay marriage. The law of the land now reads that the only legally valid domestic partnership in the state is marriage between a man and a woman.…
Tips for a Better Divorce in Charlotte, North Carolina
According to recent article in Psychology Today, while divorce may be ugly for some it does not have to be that way. For many reasons splitting up happens because two people simply weren’t meant to be married. If you’re trying to find ways to be good to your ex during…
Divorce Advice for Befriending your Ex
The old saying is “keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” It’s really easy when meeting your new love’s former spouse to have thoughts turn negative. And while it’s true that some are every bit as evil as you may want to believe, exes don’t always have to be…
What to do if You are Facing Divorce (According to the Huffington Post)
According to a recent article on the HuffingtonPost.com, the following steps should be taken if you see a divorce occurring in the not too distant future. These important actions can protect yourself and your future. 1. Go see an experienced North Carolina family law attorney Many people wait too long…
Virtual Child Visitation brings North Carolina Parents and Children Together
A recent article in the Washington Times discussed the not uncommon occurrence following divorce is one parent moving out of the city or even state. New job opportunities, family times or new relationships can cause one parent to need to relocate. When kids are involved this can cause problems and…
Parental Accountability Courts May Help Those Behind on Child Support Payments
According to a recent article in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, parents who are delinquent on their child support payments in Georgia have reason to hope that they’ll see their children rather than the inside of a jail cell thanks to a new program instituted by courts in the state. The reason…
Family Court Awards Wife Custody of Frozen Embryos
According to a recent story on Philly.com, one Pennsylvania woman was recently made happy by winning custody over the frozen, fertilized eggs her ex-husband wanted to ensure were destroyed. The recent decision by a Pennsylvania appeals court upheld a lower court ruling in a Chester County divorce case. In the…
Divorce Rings in Charlotte, North Carolina
According to an odd story in the New York Times, the concept of “divorce rings” is starting to gain appeal among a certain set. What is a divorce ring you may ask? Imagine a man bent on one knee, gazing up at surprised woman. He removes a jewelry box from…