
Charlotte Divorce Lawyer Blog


Charlotte Military Divorce Lawyers :: The Complexities of Military Divorce in North Carolina

Deciding how to split up a couple’s accumulated assets is a challenging but necessary task before any divorce can be finalized. This already tough job can be made even more complicated if one or both spouses is an active duty or retired member of the military. In such situations, one…


Adoption Laws in California to Allow Multiple Parents?

According to an interesting article on Yahoo, California, a state already grappling with a wide array of legal issues surrounding alternative families, has added one more to the mix. The most recent bill, SB1476, would allow children to be legally given more than two parents. As written, the bill would…


Impact of Separation and Divorce on Paying for College

Though college has always been expensive, the amount of money needed nowadays is bordering on ridiculous. According to U.S. News and World report, the average tuition for a private university now exceeds $35,000 per year while kids in public schools can expect to pay almost $20,000. With costs so high…


Divorce Advice for Victims of Abuse (According to Forbes Magazine)

Women that have suffered through an abusive relationship face many of the same hurdles than any women do when going through a divorce. The only difference is that each step of the long divorce process is made more difficult by the looming presence of an abusive spouse. It’s often the…


Can Divorce Lawyers in Charlotte Consider VA Disability Benefits in Alimony Cases?

A disabled veteran has filed a petition before the U.S. Supreme Court asking the justices to decide whether states can instruct divorce courts to count a veteran’s disability benefits when determining spousal support. Peter James Barclay, an Air Force veteran, also asked the Court to determine whether federal law prevents…

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