
Charlotte Divorce Lawyer Blog


Child Support Lawyers in Charlotte, North Carolina :: Unpaid Child Support Bills Add Up Into the Billions

According to the federal Office of Child Support Enforcement, $108 billion in back payments for child support was owed to custodial parents in 2009. The problem is huge nationally and incredibly important in terms of each individual family. If child support payments are not paid, it can result in seriously…


Child Custody Lawyers Monroe; Union County; North Carolina :: What Does a Guardian Ad Litem Do in a North Carolina Divorce?

Guardians ad litem are people that have been appointed by the court to represent “the best interests of the child” in court proceedings. In family court, guardians are appointed in contested custody and visitation cases, and cases where abuse or neglect has been alleged. Though guardians can be directly appointed…


Equitable Distribution and Property Division Lawyers in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, NC :: Divorces Frequently Deal With Debt More than Assets

Legal experts say there have been changes in the way couples end marriages in North Carolina and all over the country thanks to the prolonged economic downturn. Divorces before the recent recession tended to revolve around a division of marital assets. Following the economic downturn, couples began to spend more…


Prenuptial Agreement Lawyers in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, NC :: Bizarre Prenuptial Agreement Terms

When it comes to drafting a prenuptial agreement, outlining each partner’s expectations can be a healthy move to protecting your future and ensuring that your particular concerns are addressed. Heading into a marriage fully informed about each party’s assets and what will happen in the event that the marriage ends…


Child Custody Lawyers in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina :: Custody Fight Revolves Around Whether Woman is Mom or Merely Surrogate

As many people realize, whether you’re part of a traditional marriage, in a same-sex relationship or a single person who has always wanted a kid, there are now many more options than there used to be for raising children. One option that has been utilized by those who have had…


Child Custody Lawyers in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, NC :: Can your spouse prevent you from divorcing in North Carolina?

Thankfully, many divorcing couples are on the same page about wanting to get a divorce. The fights or problems communicating have been obvious to both parties for a while and the decision to divorce was a long time coming. However, there are times when the parties aren’t in such perfect…


Divorce Lawyers Concord, Cabarrus County, North Carolina :: How to Negotiate During a North Carolina Divorce

Without a doubt, one of the most difficult things to do during a divorce is to negotiate the terms and conditions that will govern your life: custody, marital property settlement, alimony, child support, visitation, etc. Negotiations are something many couples likely have no experience with and it’s important to know…


Divorce Lawyers Monroe, Union County, North Carolina :: The Importance of Discovery in a North Carolina Divorce

Many couples facing a divorce wonder why the time and expense associated with discovery is necessary. They figure that they know what the other spouse’s assets are; after all, you watched them buy the stuff in the first place. They think they understand the value of all the retirement and…


Divorce Lawyers Statesville, North Carolina :: The Trouble With Dual Citizenship in North Carolina Divorce

What could be worse than divorce? Perhaps the prospect of dueling divorces spread across the globe. Red tape, bureaucracy, money, cultural differences, travel are just some of the many problems faced by Americans facing a divorce in a second country. While this may seem like a problem that affects only…


Child Custody Lawyers in Charlotte, North Carolina :: New HBO Documentary Allows Kids to Give Advice About Divorce

It’s pretty easy for one adult to share advice with another on how to handle your divorce. But for many parents, the divorce process is so full of concerns unique to their family that tips from well-meaning friends, family members and colleagues can easily go in one ear and out…

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