
Charlotte Divorce Lawyer Blog


Chris Brown Receives Decisive Win in Custody Battle Over Daughter Royalty

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “What can I do to gain custody of my child in North Carolina?”   Love him or hate him, Chris Brown has reportedly won another round in his ongoing custody dispute with ex Nia Guzman concerning their two-year-old daughter Royalty.…


Divorce Filings Spike After Vacation

Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “How Can I protect myself from my spouses spending habits?”   Most people spend all year looking forward to vacation. It’s a time to relax, unwind and enjoy the company of loved ones. Vacations would also seem to be a perfect opportunity…


Serving your spouse online? Divorce courts increasingly say it’s possible

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “What does a “No-Fault’ divorce mean in NC?”   If you’re preparing for a North Carolina divorce, you likely realize the first step will require formally notifying your spouse of your decision to end the marriage. This step is known…


California Passes Law Redefining “Separate and Apart”

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “Can I keep my Kids from seeing the other parent?”   Divorce often comes with new burdens, many of them financial. In addition to the cost of dividing your assets, paying attorneys and adjusting to a budget based on only…


The Service (of Process) Issue: Divorce in Military Families

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “What does uncontested divorce mean?”   Divorce can be a complicated affair for any family, but for military families, the matter can be even more complex. It should go without saying that military families in general face unique challenges that…


Dividing legal awards in a North Carolina divorce

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: ” Is there some property that the judge cannot divide?”   One of the most difficult parts of a divorce can be agreeing to an equitable division of marital property. There are many components of the financial pie that need…


Paternity in North Carolina

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “What rules are there for Father’s Right in NC?”   When it comes to paternity, the law in North Carolina has been designed to favor married couples. Married couples benefit because when a child is born to a married couple,…


Different approaches for handling your North Carolina divorce

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “What does uncontested divorce mean?”   Many people view divorce as a one-size-fits-all process. They imagine filing papers and appearing in court and talking to lawyers and taking the stand, all the things that have been shown on television and…


Rhode Island Court Recognizes Common-Law Marriage

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “Can I sue someone for breaking up my marriage?”   Many people have heard about common-law marriage, believing incorrectly that if you only live with a person for a certain number of years you can become legally married despite never…


Judge Issues Custody Order Barring Golf Practice

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “What are my custody rights if the other parent moves?”   As anyone who has ever been through a divorce with children knows, custody is almost always the thorniest issue to be resolved. Though it can be difficult to reach…

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