
Charlotte Divorce Lawyer Blog


Mecklenburg County Scrambling for Planned Child Support Enforcement Takeover

Recently, North Carolina’s Department of Health and Human Services’ Division of Social Services announced that the state will no longer be responsible for collecting child support payments from delinquent parties. In most North Carolina cases, child support is calculated according to the Child Support Guidelines. In the past, child support…


For Charlotte Women, Cancer can mean Separation, Divorce and Lawyers

Any married couple who has been faced with a life-threatening illness knows that the stress resulting from the diagnosis and subsequent treatment puts the couple at great risk for marital discord. However, a recent study demonstrates that marriages are six times more likely to end in divorce when the spouse…


In the Battle of the Fit Parents, Breadwinning Moms are Losing Child Custody

A very common misconception regarding child custody stems from a real legal doctrine that was recognized by courts in the not-so-distant past: the tender years presumption. Under this judicial doctrine, a child of a “tender age” – typically, seven years old or younger – is presumed to need to stay…


View and Print our Charlotte Divorce Lawyer Blog Family Law Newsletter – Fall 2009

In this issue we address how Facebook or Twitter can impact a divorce case. We also discuss developments relating to whether divorcing spouses can access the other’s Yahoo or Hotmail email accounts. We also consider whether and to what extent separating and divorcing couples can agree to keep things confidential.…

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