According to a recent report from, Americans who live in the South are much more likely to get divorced than residents of the Northeast. This study, conducted by the Barna Group, reports that 27% of people who were married in the South get divorced, as compared to 19% of…
Charlotte Divorce Lawyer Blog
Charlotte Divorce Cases are Affected by Changing Gender Roles
As previously discussed here (In the Battle of the Fit Parents, Breadwinning Moms are Losing Child Custody , “Deadbeat Moms” in Charlotte, North Carolina? What can lawyers do? and Men Marrying (and Divorcing) Wealthier Women?), American households are experiencing a gender role reversal with regard to levels of marital income.…
Mecklenburg County Working to Take Over Child Support Enforcement
As we have discussed here previously (Mecklenburg County Child Support Cases Affected? Some North Carolina Counties Scrambling for Planned Child Support Enforcement Takeover), North Carolina will no longer bear the responsibility for enforcing child support obligations. Mecklenburg County is one of the counties which currently relies on the state for…
Men Marrying (and Divorcing) Wealthier Women?
As reported by according to a recent study released by the Pew Research Center, the traditional financial roles in American homes are changing. This study of married households suggests that 22% of men were making less money than their wives in 2007. Comparatively, only 4% of men made less…
Grappling with Bankruptcies in Divorce
According to the Charlotte Observer and the Associated Press, bankruptcy filings in 2009 numbered 1.4 million and are up 32% nationwide. These tough economic times cannot help but make divorce cases, which can be very difficult when times are good, all the more difficult to manage, settle and take to…
Child Support Modification during this Recession
Although families are certainly feeling the impact of a recent downward turn in the economy, nationwide trends indicate that those parents who are paying child support are being hit the hardest. In most cases in North Carolina, child support is calculated using a formula. One of the most important variables…
Can GPS Monitoring help Protect North Carolina Domestic Violence Victims?
A recent New York Times article discussed a modern trend emerging to protect victims of domestic violence: electronic monitoring of convicted domestic abusers and stalkers. Over a dozen states are now using Global Positioning System (GPS) technology to keep tabs on those accused of domestic violence. North Carolina has yet…
View and Print our Charlotte Divorce Lawyer Blog Family Law Newsletter – Winter 2010
In this issue we take a look at “virtual visitation” – the ways in which technology is facilitating visitation despite great distances in child custody cases. We also address they ways in which asset valuation has become more difficult in equitable distribution cases during these economic times. Click here to…
Charlotte, North Carolina Family Law Lawyers and Court Address Confidentiality Provisions
It stands to reason that separating and divorcing couples may not want every intimate detail of their marriage, separation and divorce to be a matter of public record. They will sometimes incorporate confidentiality provisions into their Separation and Property Settlement Agreements. Unfortunately, this may or may not be something that…
“Deadbeat Moms” in Charlotte, North Carolina? What can lawyers do?
As we have discussed here before (In the Battle of the Fit Parents, Breadwinning Moms are Losing Child Custody), more working mothers are losing custody of their children. With these bad economic times, it is reasonable to anticipate that more and more people, moms and dads alike, are falling behind…