
Charlotte Divorce Lawyer Blog


Divorce Predictor #9: You and your partner have been in previous marriages.

If both spouses have had previous marriages, they are 90 percent more likely to get divorced than if they are both in their first marriage, according to the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research. Although a great deal of data indicates that second marriages should be statistically more…


Divorce Predictor #6: You have a daughter.

If you have a daughter rather than a son, you are nearly 5 percent more likely to divorce, according to research conducted by the Council on Contemporary Families. This statistic also multiplies with each new birth in the family. Researchers theorize that this statistic exists because fathers tend to become…


Divorce Predictor #4: Your parents are divorced.

If your parents are divorced, you are at least 40 percent more likely to get divorced than if they are still married. Moreover, if your parents remarried new spouses after divorcing, you are 91 percent more likely to get divorced. Divorce Magazinepublisher Dan Couvrette attributes these statistics to a certain…

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