Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “Do I need an attorney to get a Divorce in North Carolina?” With a stay-at-home order in North Carolina and nearly every other state during the coronavirus pandemic, the issue of domestic violence has come to the forefront of…
Articles Posted in Domestic Violence
How Does a Domestic Violence Charge Affect Divorce and Employment in North Carolina?
Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: ” Is there some property that the judge cannot divide?” A domestic violence charge can turn the accused’s life upside down in an instant. A conviction of domestic violence in North Carolina can lead to fines and jail time.…
Four Tips to Avoid Violating a Restraining Order in North Carolina
Charlotte Criminal Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “My relationship is ending and they are threatening to call the police, how can I help myself?” Having a protective order against you can make you feel as if you are walking on thin ice. Depending on the terms of the…
Do Protective Orders Actually Work in North Carolina?
Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: ” I’m considering separating from my spouse; what actions should I refrain from doing?” While seeking a protective order is a domestic violence victim’s last resort to stop the abuse, the order is not always as effective as many…
Commonly Asked Questions from Domestic Violence Survivors
Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: ” I’m not getting along with my husband. We’ve been married two weeks and it was a mistake. Can’t I just get an annulment?” Domestic violence is a serious problem all across the country, and even the world. The…
What are ‘Red Flag Laws?’ Does North Carolina Need Them?
Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: ” I’m not getting along with my husband. We’ve been married two weeks and it was a mistake. Can’t I just get an annulment?” Domestic violence is a serious issue across the United States. Unfortunately, abuse of a partner…
The Role of Smartphones and Technology in Domestic Abuse
Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “How is social media evidence used in divorce proceedings?” Domestic violence is a serious issue that plagues many, many people all over the world. When the victim of abuse finds the strength to leave a dangerous situation, it is…
Domestic Violence vs. Civil Harassment: What is the Difference?
Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “Can I keep my Kids from seeing the other parent?” Every crime has a set of elements that must be met in order for an individual to be charged with that crime. While every crime is unique with its…
Commonly Asked Questions About Domestic Violence
Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “Can I get the judge to order my spouse to pay my attorney’s fees in a property division case?” Most of us have heard the term “domestic violence.” However, not everyone knows what it means. People often think that…
Common Questions of Domestic Violence Victims
Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: ” I’m not getting along with my husband. We’ve been married two weeks and it was a mistake. Can’t I just get an annulment?” In today’s society, it is not unusual to hear about domestic violence happening within marriages.…