In Manhattan, the home of federal immigration headquarters, the future of many couples depends upon whether they can prove to the government that they did not marry solely to acquire a green card for one spouse. If a couple can successfully pass their interviews with the United States Citizenship and…
Articles Posted in Divorce
Divorce Attorneys Becoming Facebook Sleuths
Before the age of the internet, divorce attorneys used subpoenas and private investigators to glean the truth from opposing parties. Now, with the advent of social networking sites, the first place many attorneys can find incriminating evidence is on Facebook. Social networking discovery skills have become critical for many divorce…
Divorce Predictor #14: You are a female serial cohabitator.
Women who have lived with more than one partner before their first marriage are 40 percent more likely to get divorced than women who have never cohabitated prior to marriage. Although cohabitation seems like good practice for married life, it can tend to make living together during marriage seem less…
Divorce Predictor #13: Your children are multiples.
If you have twins or triplets, your marriage is 17 percent more likely to end in divorce than parents of children who were not multiple births. According to the Twins and Multiple Births Association, multiple births create money woes within families, which induces stress in the household.
Divorce Predictor #12: You have been diagnosed with cancer.
Women who have been diagnosed with cervical cancer have a 40 percent likelihood of getting divorced, whereas men who have been diagnosed with testicular cancer have a 20 percent likelihood. Norwegian Cancer Registry researchers suspect that these statistics exist because these two types of cancer affect sexual activity and afflict…
Divorce Predictor #11: You are of “below average” intelligence.
According to the Delaware-Johns Hopkins Project for the Study of Intelligence and Society, a person of “below average” intelligence is 50 percent more likely to be divorced than one of “above average” intelligence. Spouses with IQs of 100 have a 28 percent probability of divorce in the first five years…
Divorce Predictor #10: You are a woman two or more years older than your husband.
If a wife is two or more years older than her husband, her marriage is 53 percent more likely to end in divorce than if her husband was one to three years younger. According to the Melbourne Institute researchers, wide age gaps between spouses can create many problems, including sexual…
Divorce Predictor #9: You and your partner have been in previous marriages.
If both spouses have had previous marriages, they are 90 percent more likely to get divorced than if they are both in their first marriage, according to the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research. Although a great deal of data indicates that second marriages should be statistically more…
Divorce Predictor #7: You are not religious.
According to the Barna Research Group, atheists have a 30 percent divorce rate, compared to a 38 percent chance for non-Christians. Conversely, evangelical Christians have a 26 percent likelihood of being divorced, compared to Catholics at 28 percent.
Divorce Predictor #5: You are the only smoker in your marriage.
If only one partner in a marriage is a smoker, the couple is 75 to 91 percent more likely to divorce than married partners who are fellow smokers. According to a study conducted by the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, the more similar people are in their…