According to Jeff Bridges, for has been married for an almost-unheard-of-in-Hollywood 33 years, “one of the things about staying married is just not getting divorced.” If that isn’t enough of an endorsement, the past year has shown us that most celebrities can’t resist tying the knot a time or two.…
Articles Posted in Divorce
4. Marriage is better for your reputation.
The past few years have demonstrated to all of us that people really enjoy reading about marital strife and breakdowns. Couples can air their grievances on social networking websites, such as Facebook and Twitter, and many people have chosen to vent through more revealing outlets, such as personal blogs. Recently,…
3. Marriage is better for your children’s health.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) just released new figures in December which compared the health of children in all types of living situations. The data demonstrates that children who live in the same home as their parents have a lower rate of disease and sickness. The ailments…
2. Marriage is better for your personality.
Researchers from Michigan State University recently reviewed a multitude of twin studies to discover that, among identical twins, the ones who got married were more socialized than the ones who didn’t marry. Because sociability is typically a key to success in our society, it appears that men who get married…
1. Marriage is better for your finances.
According to the Journal of Family Issues, which conducted an ongoing analysis of student financial aid statistics, divorced parents usually contribute less toward their children’s college costs, as opposed to parents who are still married. The study reports that a student whose parents are divorced will end up paying about…
Charlotte Divorce Lawyer Blog Reviews Reasons to Get or Stay Married
According to Time Magazine, there are five reasons why 2011 may be the year to either get married or make your marriage work, particularly if you are interested in improving your life. Contact us online or call 704.370.2828 to talk to a Charlotte divorce lawyer.
Man Faces Jail Time for Hacking Wife’s Email
According to an article by the Charlotte Observer, a Michigan man is charged with a felony and facing up to five years in prison for accessing his wife’s gmail account. The man used a laptop computer which the parties shared in their home and her password to access the email…
Divorce Issues Emerge in Home Designing
Is it easier to remodel houses than people? Interior and architectural designers are finding that they have greater psychological issues to deal with than do most client-based professionals simply because they transform homes into personal living spaces for couples. Designers find that couples can disagree over the simplest things, such…
Should the Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services to Flag Illegal Immigrants?
According to the Charlotte Observer, Mecklenburg County Commissioners are currently in discussions over whether to accept a proposal that will require the reporting of undocumented family members of American-born children receiving public benefits. Commissioner Bill James is asking the Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services to ignore state and federal…
Highest Divorce Rates (15 Jobs)
Radford University in Virginia recently released a list of the 15 professions with the highest divorce rates in the country. The Radford study indicates that professional dancers and choreographers are most likely to get divorced, while maids and housekeeping cleaners are the least likely to be divorced on the list.…