As discussed previously in Divorce Financial Tips on Charlotte Divorce Lawyer Blog, there are strategies which can help to avoid the financial disaster which is so common in divorce cases. The first such strategy which is discussed in the article on is to make a realistic budget and figure…
Articles Posted in Divorce
Lawyer wants Divorce Settlement Re-Do
According to an article on (Citing Madoff fraud, lawyer wants divorce deal do-over), a prominant real estate lawyer in New York has sued his ex-wife to reopen their divorce settlement. As crazy as this may seem, there is actually a well established legal concept called “mutal mistake” which may…
Substance Abuse and Family Law (4 of 4)
16. Pain that Never Ends Prescription drug addiction is one of the most common kinds of addiction. Abusers learn many different tricks for getting their pills. Back pain is one of the most common symptoms used to get pain medications because it is nondescript and hard to prove. It is…
Substance Abuse and Family Law (3 of 4)
11. Can I Try the Diet You’re On? Many drugs like crystal meth, cocain and other “uppers” stimulate energy so much that the user feels no urge to eat. Many have no appetite whatsoever. Obviously, these people are prone to rapid weight loss. Often this sign of abuse is missed…
Substance Abuse and Family Law (2 of 4)
6. The Money Magnet Substance abuse is an expensive habit and drugs and alcohol cost money. This, combined with impaired judgment may lead many people to get into financial trouble by not paying attention to their affairs. Any kind of unusual money behavior can tip off families to drug or…
Substance Abuse and Family Law (1 of 4)
In the series that follows, Charlotte Divorce Lawyer Blog will explore twenty signs from an article on which may indicate that a person has a substance abuse problem. Substance abuse is a very common issue in divorce and other family law matters, so we think it is useful to…
How Birth Order Affects Your Love Life
According to an article by Yahoo and, your birth order can have a significant impact on your love life. If you are the oldest child, you are a take-charge type of person and this trait carries over to your love life. Oldest kids are the planners and they are…
Men Cheat Because they Want to Play the Field (Reason #4)
This one will come as a complete shocker: according to this article by men cheat because they want to play the field! This seems to be a result of “the grass is always greener” kind of thinking which seems prevalent in our society. Maybe it is because of pop…
Men Cheat Because You are Spending Almost No Time Together (Reason #3)
According to this article on by, another reason men cheat is because you are spending almost no time together as a couple. A common example of this sort of situation is where the significant other travels for a living. If the person is physically absent from the daily…
Men Cheat Because the Chemistry Just Isn’t There (Reason #2)
According to the article by on, men cheat because the chemistry just isn’t there. They cheat because the spark is gone in the relationship. According to the article, this can have much to do with a lack of physical attraction to the other person. For example, if the…