According to recent article in Psychology Today, while divorce may be ugly for some it does not have to be that way. For many reasons splitting up happens because two people simply weren’t meant to be married. If you’re trying to find ways to be good to your ex during…
Articles Posted in Divorce
What to do if You are Facing Divorce (According to the Huffington Post)
According to a recent article on the, the following steps should be taken if you see a divorce occurring in the not too distant future. These important actions can protect yourself and your future. 1. Go see an experienced North Carolina family law attorney Many people wait too long…
Divorce Rings in Charlotte, North Carolina
According to an odd story in the New York Times, the concept of “divorce rings” is starting to gain appeal among a certain set. What is a divorce ring you may ask? Imagine a man bent on one knee, gazing up at surprised woman. He removes a jewelry box from…
Cohabitating North Carolina Couples Not More at Risk for Divorce
According to a recent article in the Christian Science Monitor, nearly half of all first marriages break up within 20 years. Some people attempt to beat the odds by testing out their relationship by living together prior to marriage. But does that actual help things or only speed along the…
Use Caution in Post-Divorce Dating
According to a recent article appearing on, people emerging from a divorce may not find much luck in the dating department immediately thereafter. Though for some who had to go years without any new romance this is not only normal, it’s also healthier than a rebound relationship. New York…
Study says Divorce at a Young Age Hurts Worst
A new Michigan State University study finds divorce at a younger age hurts people’s health more than divorce later in life. Study author and sociology professor Dr. Hui Liu said the findings, published in the journal Social Science & Medicine, suggest older people have more coping skills to deal with…
Understanding the Importance of a Prenuptial Agreement in North Carolina
Though most people would agree that marriage is a big step, representing a major life change, very few people understand the magnitude of the decision both legally and financially. People forget that marriage is, after all, a contract entered into by two people and it entails many of the same…
Divorce and Social Security Benefits in North Carolina
For many elderly Americans Social Security benefits are a critical component of their retirement plan. If you’re a baby boomer in charge of monitoring your parents’ finances or a retiree you should be aware that under certain circumstances it’s possible you might be receiving less than you should. If a…
As Some States Slow Divorce, Others Kick It Into Gear
As we mentioned in a post last week (Some States Try to Slow Down Divorce), some states have made a move toward lengthening their divorce process in the name of looking out for the best interest of children. The Wall Street Journal reports that New Jersey is evidently not as…
Some States Try to Slow Down Divorce Process
If you want a divorce in Colorado, you might have to wait a bit longer than before. A new bill is heading to the state legislature for approval that seeks to add even more steps to the already complicated divorce process. State Senator Kevin Lundberg is the primary backer of…