This is, admittedly, a radical notion. Particularly in Charlotte, North Carolina and surrounding areas. For goodness sake, North Carolina still recognizes Alienation of Affection and Criminal Conversation lawsuits. But, a recent article in the New York Times thoroughly explores whether infidelity might actually be good for some relationships. In this…
Articles Posted in Adultery
Sign #7 that Your Honey May Cheat – They Brag About Being Able to Attract Others
According to and, the seventh sign that your signficant other may cheat is if they routinely brag about their ability to attract others. Cheaters tend to be insecure and make up for it by bragging about their ability to attract others. This makes them feel better about themselves.…
Sign #6 that Your Honey May Cheat – They Lie About Little Things
According to and, the sixth sign that your significant other may cheat is if they are the type to lie about little things. If you are dating someone who cannot tell the truth, even about little things, watch out. These types of character traits can run deep. If…
Sign #5 That Your Honey May Cheat – They Have Never Been Alone
According to and, the fifth sign that your significant other may cheat is if they are the type who is always with someone. If they are the type who is never without a mate, this should be a red flag. They typically go from one relationship to another…
Sign #4 Your Honey May Cheat – They Admit to Cheating Before
According to and, the fourth sign that your significant other may cheat is if they admit to having cheated on previous exes but have a rationalization for it. If they have done it before and have found a way to rationalize it, watch out! If they do this,…
Sign #3 Your Honey May Cheat – They Say they Want “No Strings Attached”
According to and, the third sign that your significant othe rmay cheat is if they want a “no strings attached” relationship. If they say this, you should beware. This one should be a no-brainer, but don’t fall into the “I can change them” trap. Just take them at…
Sign #2 Your Honey May Cheat – They are Emotionally Absent
According to and, the second sign that your significant other may cheat is if they are emotionally absent. If you constantly feel like you have to pry the truth from your partner, this should be a warning sign. A person like this may find it easy to tell…
Sign #1 Your Honey May Cheat – They Keep You a Secret
According to the article by and, the first sign that your significant other may cheat on you is if they keep you a secret from their family and friends. If you feel like you are only meeting some of your significant other’s friend and family, or that they…
Charlotte Divorce Lawyer Blog Explores 7 Signs Your Honey May Cheat
According to an article by and, there are seven signs your honey may cheat on you. For many kinds of divorce cases, particularly those involving spousal support, adultery can be a game changer. So, we think it is worthwhile to consider signs which a spouse might look for…
Men Cheat to Pursue the One that Got Away (Reason #8)
The last reason cited by the article by on why men cheat is to pursue the one that got away. The example from the article is about a guy who cheated on his girlfriend of six months because a girl he had the hots for came on to…