for Helping Kids Through Separation

Separation and divorce can be a time of turmoil and uncertainty, especially for children. It is estimated that about half of all children come from divorced families. As a parent, you want to protect your children from the harm that could be related to dysfunctional or even harmful families. Sometimes, separation and divorce are the best ways to improve life for everyone.

Parents can help their children navigate the new family dynamic with some thoughtful planning.

BlogsInsta-6Who Keeps the Home in a Divorce?

The marital home is likely one of the most valuable of all your assets. When couples divorce, they need to come to an agreement about how to divide their property, including the house. It is important to have a good understanding of your options so you can make a decision that is best for you and your family. A knowledgeable divorce attorney will answer your questions and help you through the process to achieve an equal distribution of your assets.

BlogsInsta-4When Does Child Support End?

Child support is money paid by one parent to the other for the needs of their child. In most cases, a child resides primarily with one parent and has visitation with the other. The non-custodial parent is generally required to pay support to cover the basic needs of the child. These needs include such things as food, clothing, housing, and other essential living expenses. Child support is generally separate from medical insurance and treatment costs, and extra costs such as those associated with sports, activities, and camps.

BlogsInsta-3Separation Tips for Divorcing Couples in North Carolina

When you decide to end your marriage, you must follow the basic divorce laws. North Carolina has a specific separation requirement that couples must meet before they may qualify for a no-fault absolute divorce. While most states do not have a separation requirement, North Carolina requires a one year separation before a couple may seek a divorce. This period ensures that couples are ready and prepared to move forward with dissolving their marriage.

BlogsInsta-5No-Fault Divorce in North Carolina

In years gone by, when couples wanted to divorce, they had to have a good reason to do so. The legal reasons for divorce are also called grounds for divorce. Today, every state in the country has no-fault divorce. The rules or qualifications for obtaining a no-fault divorce vary by state. North Carolina has some requirements for a no-fault divorce. In North Carolina, divorce is also called by the legal name of absolute divorce. This simply means that a couple ends their marriage completely.

BlogsInsta-2We Were Married in Another State – Can I File for Divorce in North Carolina?

As Americans, we move around a lot. The ease of transportation and the use of cell phones make it easier than ever to move out of state. In fact, more than 8 million people a year move between states. That means that it is likely that you are living in a different place than where you got married. While that is quite common, many people wonder how that impacts their ability to seek a divorce. It is helpful to understand the requirements and rules for obtaining a divorce in North Carolina.

BlogsInsta-1Parenting Plans: Frequently Asked Questions

The most important job of any parent is to provide a healthy and loving environment for their child. When parents divorce, they need to work together to make decisions that will offer the best solutions for the kids. Parents who are separating or going through a divorce can benefit from a parenting plan. While primarily used in divorce situations, a parenting plan can also be useful anytime parents are not together, such as when they are not married. An experienced family law attorney will help you create a parenting plan that works best for your family.
Avoid These Five Divorce Mistakes

Divorce is not only stressful, it can also be costly. When you are ending your marriage, you will want to avoid some mistakes that could end up being very costly. Here are five mistakes to avoid when getting a divorce.

Leaving in Haste and Property Division in North Carolina Divorce

Going through a divorce is not always easy. It can be one of the most stressful times in your life. As you go through the divorce process, you and your spouse will need to discuss how to divide your property. Finances are often the most divisive part of a divorce. Even amicable splits can turn acrimonious when it comes to asset and property division. A knowledgeable divorce attorney will guide you through the divorce process and help make things easier and less stressful.

Types of Property Spouse is Allowed to Live in the Marital Home During Separation?

Owning a home is the American dream. When a couple purchases their own home, it often gives them a sense of peace and joy. It is wonderful to own a home with your spouse, but what happens if you decide to separate and divorce? Many couples wonder which spouse will be able to remain in the home and which will need to move out. It is helpful to understand separation and divorce in North Carolina. An experienced divorce attorney will help guide you through the process.

Separation Requirement

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